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1992年9月6~11日,我们随以国家档案局局长冯子直为团长、副局长刘国能为副团长的中国档案工作代表团(以下简称代表团)一行七人,前往加拿大参加了由国际档案理事会在蒙特利尔市召开的第12届国际档案大会.现将大会和业务参观的情况概述如下:一、第12届国际档案大会概况(一)大会开幕式.9月6日下午5点30分,第12届国际档案大会在蒙特利尔市国际会议中心正式开幕.来自125个国家和地区的2500多名代表出席了开幕式.整个开幕式充满了隆重、热烈的气氛.开幕式由大会组织委员会执行主任米诺托主持.加拿大魁北克省政府文化部部长莉萨·弗鲁拉·埃贝尔女士首先致开幕词.她说:“和其它任何领域一样,档案领域可以通过与其它各级政府和私立团体的合作,通过与国外档案机构的合作取得辉煌的成就.为此,魁北克国家档案馆和加拿大国家档案馆以及其它公共和私立部门的合作者共同赞助召开第12届国际档案大会.此次大会的召开正值蒙特利尔市成立350周年,我希望这次大会将在专业发展和文化丰富上达到预期的目标.”接着,国际档案理事会副主席、第12届国际档案大会组委会主席、加拿大国家档案馆馆长让·皮埃尔·瓦洛先后宣读了加拿大总理马丁·布赖恩·马尔罗尼、魁北克总理罗伯特·布拉萨、加拿大通讯 From September 6 to September 11, 1992, with a seven-member Chinese Archives Working Delegation (hereinafter referred to as the delegation) headed by FENG Zizheng, director of the State Archives Bureau, and deputy director Liu Guoneng, the delegation headed by deputy director of the Archives Bureau, Archives of the 12th International Archives Congress held in Montréal Now summarized in the General Assembly and business visits are as follows: First, the 12th International Archives General Assembly (A) Opening Ceremony September 6 at 17:30 Minutes, the 12th International Archives Conference was officially opened at the Montreal International Convention Center. More than 2,500 delegates from 125 countries and regions attended the opening ceremony. The opening ceremony was full of grand and warm atmosphere. The opening ceremony was organized by the General Assembly Organizing Committee Speaking at the opening ceremony, Miss Frieed Ebel, Minister of Culture of the Government of Quebec in Canada, said: “As in any other field, the field of archives can be accessed through dialogue with other levels of government and private Group cooperation, through the cooperation with foreign archives made brilliant achievements.To this end, the National Archives of Quebec and the Canadian National Archives and other public and private The co-sponsors of the department co-sponsor the 12th International Archives, which marks the 350th anniversary of the founding of Montreal and I hope this conference will achieve the desired goals in terms of professional development and cultural enrichment. ”Next, the International Archives Vice President of the Council, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 12th International Archives Congress and Director of the National Archives of Canada Jean-Pierre Valois read out Canadian Prime Minister Martin Bryan Mulroney, Quebec Prime Minister Robert Bush Lhasa, Canada newsletter
股东违反出资义务的表现形态及民事责任,是公司法领域的重要问题,我国现行《公司法》 对此规定过于简略,存在诸多立法缺陷.因此,有必要从实用主义视角出发,将民法解释学的方