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目的:观察电惊厥大鼠癫痫发作时及发作后心电图变化,并检测动态血清心肌肌钙蛋白Ⅰ的变化。方法:实验于2004-10/12在重庆医科大学附属第一医院中心实验室进行。选20只SD大鼠,用电惊厥仪致痫动物。刺激条件:最大电休克用交流电500Hz,50mA,0.3s。刺激后大鼠100%惊厥发作,以双后肢强直为指标。用标准Ⅱ导联记录发作前、发作时以及发作后的心电图变化,用化学发光法动态检测大鼠惊厥前及惊厥后6,12,24h血清心肌肌钙蛋白水平的变化。结果:20只大鼠均进入结果分析。①血清心肌肌钙蛋白水平:惊厥6h即增高,12h达高峰,24h下降,均高于惊厥前犤(9.51±3.68),(21.7±6.53),(7.26±1.95),(0.48±0.31)μg/L,P<0.01犦。②心电图表现:表现为伴有窄QRS复合波的窦性心动过速。异常主要表现为ST段下降、ST段抬高、T波倒置以及心房纤颤。这种异常改变在癫痫发作停止后仍持续两三分钟。③心率:惊厥时较惊厥前明显增快犤(467.6±56.8),(373.5±41.6)次/min,t=5.39,P<0.01犦,平均增加86.6次/min。结论:电惊厥大鼠癫痫发作可引起心电图异常改变。心肌肌钙蛋白在惊厥后的升高说明癫痫发作可引起心脏结构性损害。 OBJECTIVE: To observe the changes of electrocardiogram (ECG) after seizure onset and after seizure in electroconvulsant rats and to detect the change of cardiac troponin I in serum. Methods: The experiment was performed at the Central Laboratory of the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University from October to October 2004. Twenty SD rats were selected and electrocoagulation was used to induce epileptic animals. Stimulation conditions: the largest electric shock with alternating current 500Hz, 50mA, 0.3s. After the stimulation of 100% seizures in rats to double hind limbs as an indicator. Electrocardiographic changes were recorded before, during and after the onset of seizure with standard Ⅱ lead, and the levels of serum cardiac troponin were detected dynamically by chemiluminescence before and after convulsions at 6, 12 and 24 hours. Results: Twenty rats entered the result analysis. Serum cardiac troponin levels increased at 6h after convulsion, peaked at 12h, and decreased at 24h, all of which were significantly higher than those of pre-convulsions (9.51 ± 3.68, 21.7 ± 6.53, 7.26 ± 1.95, 0.48 ± 0.31, /L,P<0.01 犦. ② ECG performance: performance with narrow QRS complex sinus tachycardia. Abnormal main manifestations of ST segment decline, ST segment elevation, T wave inversion and atrial fibrillation. This abnormal change lasted two or three minutes after the seizure stopped. ③ heart rate: convulsions significantly faster than before convulsions 犤 (467.6 ± 56.8), (373.5 ± 41.6) times / min, t = 5.39, P <0.01 犦, with an average increase of 86.6 beats / min. Conclusion: Epileptic seizures in electroconvulsant rats may cause abnormal ECG changes. Elevated cardiac troponin after convulsions suggest that seizures can cause structural damage to the heart.
本文以一年生葡萄品种“赤霞珠”(Vitis vinifera L.cv.Cabernet Sauvignon )扦插苗为试材,分别对葡萄幼苗进行38℃高温锻炼和喷施50μmol·L-1 JA、100μmol·L-1 SA溶液预