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全世界无产阶级革命的导师马克思和恩格斯曾经亲手保管了第一国际的案档材料,这件事永远值得我们档案工作者引为最大的光荣。在马恩的著作和通信集中有大量涉及档案工作的论述和教导,有许多通信反映了我们的导师对档案文件是多么的重视。例如1852年9月28日马克思致恩格思的信中就有这样的话:“有一大包东西请他带给你。内中包括归入文庫的文件,有一部分——虽不是较大的一部分——是你已经知道的。”而1853年5月20日恩格斯致马克思的信中也说到:“附上美国最近寄来的东西。我还有几份‘罪言报’连同卫登麦尔和你的声明,将于下星期初寄上,以便你们能够应用;我另留一份给德郎克和文庫。”我们再从1864年6月7日马克思致恩格斯的信中又可看到:“昨天收到李卜克内西的信,特附上,在某种意义上会使你发生兴趣的。这封信和我寄给你同类的其它信一样,你必须收集在档案中。……” Marx and Engels, the mentors of the proletarian revolutions in the world, have personally kept the First International case file, which will always be worth the greatest honor to our archivists. There is a great deal of discourse and teaching about archival work in Marx’s writings and correspondences, and much of the communication reflects how much our mentors value archives. For example, in a letter to Marx and Engels on September 28, 1852, there was such a thing: “There is a whole lot of things that I have asked him to bring to you, including the documents that belong to the library, some, if not a large part - You already know it. ”And in his letter to Marx dated May 20, 1853, Engels also said:“ I have attached something recently sent by the United States. Er and your statement will be sent out early next week so that you can apply it; I will give another copy to Drake and the library. ”Again we can see again from the letter of Marx to Engels on June 7, 1864 To: “Yesterday you received a letter from Liebknecht, which, in a sense, is of interest to you. Like the other letters I sent to you, you must collect it in the file. ... ”
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