我县自1983年开始推广大麦一双季杂交稻耕作制以来,经过四年的试验示范和推广工作,取得了较好的综合效益。 据我们在示范点的调查,大麦-双季杂交稻三熟产量为1241.7公斤/亩,产值511.8元,纯收入399.10元,用工38个,工值达10.50元。比双季杂交稻亩产1075.1公斤/亩,增产166.6万公斤
Since the promotion of barley and double crop hybrid rice farming in 1983, our county has achieved good comprehensive benefits after four years of experiment, demonstration and popularization. According to our survey at the demonstration site, barley - double crop hybrid rice yield of 1241.7 kg / mu, output 511.8 yuan, net income of 399.10 yuan, 38 workers, the value of 10.50 yuan. Than double crop hybrid rice per mu 1075.1 kg / mu, an increase of 166.6 million kilograms