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应国家地震局地球物理所邀请,经国家科委批准,新西兰维多利亚大学地球物理所所长,国际地震及地球内部协会地震预报委员会秘书长埃维森(F.F.Evison)教授和夫人,于1980年5月19日至6月10日来我国访问,先后访问了北京、昆明、西安和上海等地。参观考察了白家疃、大灰厂,昆明和余山等专业地震台站,同时还访问了群测点,北京大学和上海虹桥人民公社,并游览了各地的名胜古迹。 At the invitation of the State Seismological Bureau of Geophysics, Prof. FFEvison, the secretary-general of the Earthquake Prediction Committee of the International Earthquake and Earth Interior Society and his wife, approved by the State Science and Technology Commission, Director of Geophysics, University of Victoria, New Zealand, He came to visit China from January 19 to June 10 and visited successively Beijing, Kunming, Xi’an and Shanghai. Visits and visits were made to professional seismological stations such as Baijiatuan, Dacheng Factory, Kunming and Yushan, as well as group test points, Peking University and Shanghai Hongqiao People’s Commune, as well as excursions to places of interest and historical sites.
In un frammento cranico di donna adulta,proveniente da un contestoculturale eneolitico a Cà dei Grii(Virle-Brescia).viene descritta una lesione chirurgicacon
@二 喜读公报方向明③学大庆谱新篇$记省建五公司地震测报组 @ Two read the bulletin direction Ming ③ learn daqing new chapter $ Remembering the five companies e
SOMMARIO-Dcpo aleune note introduttive di carattere generale e metodologico,vienepresentato un primo clenco di laghi per la formazione di un《Catasto dei Laghi
苏《火山和地震》1979年3月号载文介绍了苏联第六次研究地球动力实验场现代地壳运动的边缘学科会议情况,摘译如下: The March 30, volcano and earthquake report of the So
A list of the land Mollusca found in Val Trompia (Province of Brescia,Lombardy.Italy) is presented with collecting sites localised by means of the UTMgrid.Disc