学习贯彻《电力法》 管理挖潜促生产

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《中华人民共和国电力法》的颁布和实施,对于维护电力投资者、经营者和使用者的合法权益,保障电力运行,促进特区电力事业的健康发展具有重要的现实意义。 自《电力法》颁布实施以来,公司董事会非常重视对《电力法》的学习、宣传、贯彻落实工作。上至领导,下至普通员工都组织参加学习讨论,进一步提高了认识,形成了乘宣传贯彻《电力法》东风,切实加强企业管理,努力挖掘内部潜力,争创电力安全生产新水平,向特区供应更多优质电能的共识。 《电力法》未颁布实施以前,原有的电力管理体制政企不分,不能体现市场经济竞争有序、平等的原则,特别在广东电力建设超前发展、供大于求的局面下,严重制约和影响了地方电厂的发展,造成电厂负荷不高、出力不足、投资回收缓慢等问题,影响了电力生产企业的经济效益。《电力法》的颁布和实施,把电力生产活动纳入了法制化、规范化管理轨道,有了电力管理部门的监督管理、协调解决,将会更好地维护电厂的合法权益,促进电力生产的健康发展。 当然,《电力法》也明确规定:“电价实行统一政策、统一定价原则,分级管理”;“上网电价实行同网同质同价”。这对电力生产企业也提出了更高的要求,电力生产企业必须依靠科技进步,加强管理,努力实现经济运行,降低发电成本等,才能在“同网? The promulgation and implementation of the “Power Law of the People’s Republic of China” has important practical significance for safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of investors, operators and users of electric power, ensuring the operation of electric power, and promoting the healthy development of the electric power industry in the region. Since the promulgation and implementation of the “Power Law”, the company’s board of directors has attached great importance to the study, promotion, and implementation of the “Law on Electricity”. From the leaders to the general employees, they organized themselves to participate in the study and discussion, further raised their awareness, formed a propaganda and implementation of the “Electricity Law”, strengthened the management of the enterprise, and strived to tap internal potentials to create a new level of safe electricity production. The consensus to supply more quality electric energy. Before the “Electricity Law” was promulgated and implemented, the original power management system was not divided between government and enterprises and could not reflect the principle of orderly and equal market economy competition. In particular, under the situation that the development of Guangdong’s power industry is ahead of schedule and the supply exceeds demand, it is severely restricted and Affected the development of local power plants, resulting in power plant load is not high, insufficient output, investment recovery and other issues, affecting the economic benefits of power production companies. The promulgation and implementation of the “Electricity Law” has brought power production activities into the orbit of legalization and standardization. With the supervision and management of the power management department and the coordinated solution, it will better safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of power plants and promote the health of power production. development of. Of course, the “Electricity Law” also clearly stipulates: “The price of electricity shall adopt a unified policy, the principle of uniform pricing, and management at different levels”; “The on-grid electricity price shall be the same price as the same price on the same network.” This also puts forward higher requirements for power production enterprises. Power production companies must rely on scientific and technological progress, strengthen management, and strive to achieve economic operation, reduce the cost of power generation, etc., in order to "in the same network?
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青青是一个青春靓丽的南方都市女孩,在大学时期就是很多男生的追求目标。但青青一直以学业为重,直到大三时,才与体育系的一个大帅哥谈起了恋爱。毕业后,两人很快就在同一个城市找到了称心的工作,并准备买房结婚,经营自己的人生。  这天晚上,青青与男友在一家火锅店吃过晚饭,在马路边上浪漫散步时,突然一辆轿车发疯似地高速冲过来。男友毕竟是体育生,一个箭步跳到一棵树后躲了过去。可青青就没那么幸运,她被轿车拐倒后卷