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德国近日召开“青少年研究”行动成立50周年庆典。“青少年研究”行动是德国最著名的新生代人才竞赛,德国中学生每年都会积极地参与。参赛者在大赛中有很多研究创意,比如:野菜中维他命C含量的测定;能够自主使魔方归位的机器人等等。德国教研部部长万卡认为,这项竞赛已经成为一个人才的锻炼场。“这一竞赛为对自然科学和跨学科感兴趣的中学生提供了展示研究的平台,他们独立地用自己的理念走出了新路,发 Recently, Germany held the ”Youth Research“ 50th anniversary celebration. ”Youth Studies “ action is Germany’s most famous new generation of talent competition, German secondary students participate actively every year. Participants in the competition there are many research ideas, such as: determination of vitamin C content in wild plants; to autonomously magic robot homing and so on. Germany Cardinals Minister Wanka that this competition has become a talent training field. ”This competition provides a platform for the display of research for middle school students interested in science and interdisciplinarity. They independently use their own ideas to get out of the way.
2007年5月18日,山西宝山矿业有限公司(以下简称宝山公司)尾矿库发生溃坝事故。由于发现及时,采取应急措施得当,事故没有造成人员伤亡,但导致直接经济损失约4500万元。 May 1
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