
来源 :IMP & HIRFL Annual Report | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gjpttkl
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A new type of γ ray detector array called Gammasphere with very perfect energy resolution is being constructed in Institute of Modern Physics. The Gammasphere in IMP will be composed of self-made CsI(Tl)crystals. In the first phase,one-sixth of the detectors had been finished from May 2009 to May 2010,including their processing and testing. This part consisted of 16 rings with 1024 pieces of CsI(Tl)crystal. All these CsI(Tl)crystals were wrapped in ESR and Aluminum Mylar. The non-uniformity of the light output and the energy resolution of CsI(Tl)crystal have been tested with the Hamamastu S8664-1010 avalanche photodiode(APD). The crystals was elaborately selected so that the light output A new type of γ ray detector array called Gammasphere with very perfect energy resolution is being constructed in Institute of Modern Physics. The Gammasphere in IMP will be composed of self-made CsI (Tl) crystals. In the first phase, one-sixth of the detectors had been finished from May 2009 to May 2010, including their processing and testing. This part consisted of 16 rings with 1024 pieces of CsI (Tl) crystal. All these CsI (Tl) crystals were wrapped in ESR and Aluminum Mylar. The non-uniformity of the light output and the energy resolution of CsI (Tl) crystal have been tested with the Hamamastu S8664-1010 avalanche photodiode (APD). The crystals was elaborately selected so that the light output
结核性腹膜炎(简称结腹)合并慢性乙型肝炎(简称慢乙肝)时,治疗非常棘手.我们从l99()年2月至1998年12月,以中西医方法治疗52例病人,效果满意,现报告如下: 1、临床资料.其52例,
慢性肾炎起病缓慢,病情迁延,临床表现可轻可重,或时轻时重,病情常迁延、反复,尿蛋白持续在1·0 g/24 h以上,对患者肾功能影响明显。既往采用单纯中医辨证,配合西医对症降压抗