例1.患者,25岁,住院号091977,初孕34周.头痛,突然失明住院.查体:血压20/16kPα,下肢水肿(++++),宫高22cm,胎方位ROA,胎心132次/分.检尿蛋白(+++),眼底视网膜小动脉痉挛,未见渗出.行扩容治疗,并用硫酸镁、甘露醇,速尿后,头痛减轻,但视物仍不清.用654-220mg 静脉注射同时肌注20mg.3小时后,开始能看见人影晃动,6小时后可分清手指,以后视力逐渐恢复.次日改为654-210mg,3次/日口服,维持至分娩.视力一直正常.
Example 1 patient, 25 years old, hospital number 091977, 34 weeks of first trimester .Headache, sudden loss of hospitalization. Examination: blood pressure 20 / 16kPα, lower extremity edema (++++), uterine height 22cm, fetal position ROA, fetal heart rate 132 times / min. Urine proteinuria (+++), fundus retinal artery spasm, no exudation .Expansion dilation and treatment with magnesium sulfate, mannitol, furosemide, headache to reduce, but the visual remains unclear. With 654-220mg intravenous injection of 20mg.3 hours after the start of the shadow can be seen shaking, 6 hours after the fingers can be distinguished, after the visual acuity was gradually restored the next day to 654-210mg, 3 times / day orally, until delivery Sight has been normal.