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为了查清云杉生长规律,给合理经营水源林提供科学数据,在祁连山林区五个林场,调查固定标准地及临时标准地54块,机械抽取定株样园66个,调查生长量样木847株,解析木57株,通过整理计算和分析,初步揭示了各测树因子的生长规律。一、林木株数按胸径分布是偏态的.林分平均直径在12厘米左右。二、根据树干解析资料分析,云杉林的数量成熟龄在140年左右。三、直径与材积的数学模型为:V:0.000180285D~(2.3799994692) 四、云杉年龄与树高的数学模型为:H:10~(1.628192274-5.208000492)1/A 五、云杉生长量与生长率表的编制:依据847株生长量样木,计算出林分平均净生长率为1.46%,并编制出各径阶生长量与生长率表。六、树皮率及树皮材积率的数学模型:1、树皮率:B%=3.112444311+(38.04175078/D1.3)2、树皮材积率:Bv%=6.791124688+(94.6676613/D1.3)为了应用方便,已编成数学用表。七、不同的云杉林分类型,其生长量有显著差异:如60年灌木云杉与苔藓云杉林比较,其胸径为61%.树高为42.6%,材积为15.6%。八、青海云杉的实验形数为0.412。胸径与树高比值为1:65.说明树干园满度小,尖削度大。 In order to find out the law of growth of spruce and provide scientific data for rational management of water source forests, 54 sites of fixed standard and temporary standard were surveyed in five forest farms in Qilian Mountains. 66 samples of fixed-plant samples were collected by mechanical extraction. 847 strains and 57 strains of wood were analyzed. Through the calculation and analysis, the growth rules of each tree factor were revealed. First, the number of trees according to the DBH distribution is skewed. Stands an average diameter of about 12 cm. Second, according to analysis of trunk analysis, the number of mature spruce forest in about 140 years. Third, the mathematical model of diameter and volume: V: 0.000180285D ~ (2.3799994692) Fourth, the spruce age and tree height mathematical model: H: 10 ~ (1.628192274-5.208000492) 1 / A V. Spruce growth and Growth rate table: According to the growth of 847 samples of wood, calculate the average net growth rate of 1.46%, and the growth rate of different orders and growth rate table. Bark rate and bark volume rate of the mathematical model: 1, bark rate: B% = 3.112444311 + (38.04175078 / D1.3) 2, bark volume rate: Bv% = 6.791124688 + (94.6676613 / D1.3 For ease of use, math tables have been compiled. Seven, different types of spruce forest, the growth of significant differences: 60-year shrub spruce and moss spruce forest, the diameter of 61%, tree height of 42.6%, the volume of 15.6%. Eight, the experimental shape of Qinghai spruce 0.412. The ratio of DBH to tree height is 1:65, which indicates that the tree trunk is full and sharp.
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每学年的第二学期四月份左右,初三英语的新课程教学任务基本结束,教师便开始带领学生全身心地投入到总复习阶段。在这短短的三个月中,教师要有计划,有目的,有重点地去安排复习。于是,教师要根据中考要求,将教材的知识点由点到面,由浅入深进行整理,归纳,做到由内容杂乱到有纲可循,有利于学生概念清晰,有效地提高知识的综合能力,实现从量变到质变的飞跃。故而在总复习中,要把握以下几个要点:  一、在第一轮复习中,夯