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自九十年代以来,中国建筑业的年均产值递增约百分之三十,远高于同期国民生产总值的增长速度。今年,中国建筑行业可望以百分之十二的速度发展,建筑业不但被纳入中国发展重点行业之一,更逐步成为国民经济的支柱产业。而随着中国经济发展,人民生活日渐富裕,消费者之品味亦不断提升,开始重视发展及享受性消费,对建筑材料、配套设施、装修设计等需求殷切之余,亦倾向选择高档货色;故建筑业当前的发展趋势,可谓是质、量并重。定于1999年3月23至26日在广州中国对外贸易中心举行之《第七届华南地区国际建筑展》(简称《华南国际建筑展》),展场面积超过四千五百平方米,其中将包括《一九九九年国际建筑材料及建筑服务展览会》、《一九九九年国际室内装饰展览会》、《一九九九年国际智能建筑展览会暨研讨会》及《一九九九年国际照明系统及技术展览会暨研讨会》四大主题展会,务求配合近年于国内兴起之商品房热及室内装修热等现象,以及智能型建筑之兴起与现代照明系统及技术之应用等建筑潮流。《华南国际建筑展》由广东省建筑材料工业总公司、中国对外贸易中心(集团)及雅式展览服务有限公司主办,并已获得国家建筑材料工业局及广东省建设委员会为支持单位。对高档次进口建材之需求渐趋庞大,《华南国际建筑展》不断为国内建筑界人士汇聚来自世界各地之国际级建材供应商来华参展。去年,《华南国际建筑展》共吸引了逾百家来自超过十八个国家和地区如澳大利亚、美国、英国、德国、法国、加拿大、希腊、意大利、葡萄牙、西班牙、日本、韩国及新加坡等各地之厂商,展出各种海外建筑及装修新产品和高水平技术,对推动华南地区建筑业发展及技术改良皆有莫大的帮助。 Since the nineties, the average annual output value of China’s construction industry has increased by about 30%, much higher than the growth rate of the gross national product of the same period. This year, the construction industry in China is expected to grow at a rate of 12 percent. The construction industry will not only be included in one of China’s key development industries, but will gradually become the pillar industry in the national economy. With the economic development in China, the people’s life is getting richer, the tastes of consumers are also on the rise, the emphasis is placed on the development and enjoyment of sexual consumption, the strong demand for building materials, ancillary facilities, decoration and design, etc., and the tendency to choose high-end goods. The current development trend of the construction industry can be described as qualitative and quantitative. The 7th South China International Building Exhibition (“South China International Building Exhibition”), scheduled to be held at the China Foreign Trade Center in Guangzhou from March 23 to March 26, 1999, covers an area of ​​more than 4,500 square meters, of which Will include “International Building Materials and Building Services Exhibition 1999”, “International Interior Decoration Fair 1999”, “International Intelligent Building Exhibitions and Seminars 1999” and “ 1999 International Lighting Systems and Technology Exhibition and Conference ”four major exhibitions, in order to meet the rise in recent years in the country’s commodity heat and interior decoration hot phenomena, as well as the rise of intelligent buildings and the application of modern lighting systems and technologies Architectural trends. The “South China International Building Exhibition” is sponsored by Guangdong Provincial Building Materials Industry Corporation, China Foreign Trade Center (Group) and Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd. and has won the title of “National Building Materials Industry Bureau and Guangdong Provincial Construction Commission as supporting units. The demand for high-grade imported building materials has become increasingly large. ”South China International Building Exhibition“ continues to bring together international building materials suppliers from all over the world to come to China for the domestic construction industry. Last year, ”South China International Construction Exhibition" attracted more than 100 visitors from over 18 countries and regions such as Australia, the United States, Britain, Germany, France, Canada, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Japan, South Korea and Singapore The exhibitors of various overseas buildings and renovation of new products and high-level technologies are of great help to promote the development of the construction industry in South China and technological improvements.
[摘 要] 满族是中国古老的民族之一,音乐资源丰富。满族音乐包括满族歌舞、民歌、器乐、戏曲;满族宫廷音乐则主要分为祭祀音乐和宴席、礼仪音乐,其音乐规模宏大,常与歌舞相结合。这些音乐学生在日常生活中接触较少,以满族音乐为载体,结合奥尔夫音乐教育思想中的本土化音乐教育,在当地幼儿园开展满族音乐活动会起到事半功倍的效果,同时也是满族音乐活态传承的一种很好的方式。  [关 键 词] 非遗音乐
[摘 要] 采用钉钉直播授课+思维导图笔记+费曼学习技巧+QQ群在线作业、答疑+开学测试的教学模式对食品微生物学理论教学进行探索实践,结果表明该教学模式具有一定的可行性,也表明教师在教学中应不断学习现代技术提升教学手段和水平。  [关 键 词] 食品微生物学;网络直播教学;教学模式  [中图分类号] G642 [文献标志码] A [文章編号] 2096-06