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  It is amazing what you find out with when you do a little research! This week I was going to describe the people I consulted and resources I used to learn all I could about climbing Muztagata, but I came across the much more entertaining story of Maurice Wilson (the “Mad Yorkshire Man”) who was probably the first and only man to attempt to climb Everest in women’s clothing (!)
  Last time we saw how a belief in your dream is a powerful thing and Maurice certainly had a faith that climbing Everest was the “job (he) had been given to do”. In the early 1930s, and despite a complete lack of flying or mountaineering experience, he hatched[策划] a plan to fly a small Tiger Moth airplane all the way from Yorkshire in England to the Himalayas[喜马拉雅山脉], crash land it on the upper slopes of Everest and then walk to the, as yet, unconquered summit!
  Sustained by his overwhelming belief in the power of fasting and prayer to guide him to the top where many experienced mountaineers had failed, he made no attempt to master any of the necessary mountaineering skills and barely learned how to fly. Amazingly, he still managed to make his way to Everest and after several failed attempts finally established a camp at the foot of the North Col around 6,400 meters up Everest. Eventually, despite being abandoned by his Sherpas[夏尔巴人] he would still not admit defeat and on 31st May wrote his final, tragically optimistic, diary entry, “Off again, gorgeous day…”
  Anyway, the point of all this is that just having a dream is not enough, you really need to learn as much as you can about what you are going to do: what information you should know, what skills you should posses and how you will develop them.
   “There is no such thing as bad weather in the mountains, only bad planning.” Anon
  In other words, what this quote is saying is that it’s your responsibility to learn as much as you can about your goal and how to achieve it. There is no excuse for being unprepared!
  OK, so what do you know about studying abroad? Here are my Top Tips:
  Find out as much as you can about what you need to do to achieve your goal. Think about the key areas and write down all the questions you have.
  How many different sources of information can you think of (books, internet, experts, friends etc)?
  What skills do you have and what skills will you need to develop?
  Beware of myths and inaccurate information! Think about who is giving you information, how authoritative they are and why they want to tell you.
   Remember the Mad Yorkshire Man. It is your responsibility to be informed!
  James Shipton,英国文化协会考试部中国业务总监
  James Shipton于1981年至1982年在苏丹开始了他的教师生涯。之后,他在苏格兰的爱丁堡大学取得了社会人类学的硕士学位,并在墨西哥继续他的英语教学生涯达9年之久。在1995年加入英国文化协会后,James先后在阿塞拜疆、莫斯科、葡萄牙、泰国及中国工作,内容包括语言教学与测试,战略管理,项目设计及实施,与教育部开展咨询工作,并为语言学习者设计新的产品和服务。James已经从事了12年教学中心及考试的管理工作。
在观看动画片的时候,在把玩着手中会说话的变形金刚的时候,你的脑中是否会闪过这样一个念头:动画片中的人物还有发声玩具说话的声音从哪来的呢?是什么人给它们配音的呢?这些配音演员在现实生活中是怎么样的人呢?他们是不是也和那些虚构的角色一样呢?……  若是没有配音演员,动画片就成了默剧,发声玩具也少了趣味性,可是很少有人会关注这些人。我们会很熟悉他们的声音,但是或许有一天他们与我们擦肩而过,我们也无法认出
[目的]为筛选能替代常规基质的育苗材料。[方法]以云烟85为试材,以黄沙、河沙、粉碎的石粉、珍珠岩和草炭为基质,采用随机区组设计,共设7组处理,在移栽前10 d和移栽时进行测定,测定烤
<正>天然气中毒性脑病与自缢后缺氧性脑病并发apallisches综合征少见,其中1例治愈罕见,近三年我院收治4例,现报告如下。 1 病例介绍 例1 杜某,女,22岁。因点天燃气炉睡觉,于