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2012年4月中旬,北京市朝阳区人民检察院以涉嫌放火罪将在一老旧居民楼自家烟道内纵火的史茗依法批准逮捕。小矛盾2011年12月底18时许,北京市朝阳区一所老旧居民楼的三层发生火灾,浓烟滚滚,引来附近居民围观并报警。随后,消防部门迅速赶往事发现场进行救援。这场火灾共造成该楼三层一户人家新装修的地板、墙面、天花板以及冰箱、洗衣机等电器被烧毁,损失达上万元。消防人员在扑灭火情后,进入失火房屋侦查时发现,此火灾涉嫌人为放火。 In mid-April 2012, the People’s Procuratorate of Chaoyang District, Beijing, arrested Shi Ming for staging an arsonist fire in his own residential building on the alleged arson. Small contradictions At the end of December 2011 at 18 o’clock in the afternoon, a fire broke out on the third floor of an old residential building in Chaoyang District, Beijing, bringing heavy smoke to the scene, causing nearby residents to watch and report to the police. Subsequently, the fire department quickly rushed to the scene of the rescue. The fire caused a total of three floors of the House, a newly renovated floor, walls, ceilings and refrigerators, washing machines and other electrical appliances were burned, the loss of up to ten thousand yuan. After putting out the fire, the firefighters found that the fire was suspected of being set on fire when entering a misfired building.
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