Analysis of expressed sequence tags of a marine red alga,Gracilaria lemaneiformis

来源 :自然科学进展(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a12307856
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The expressed sequence tags (EST) has been proved to be a useful tool for discovering and identifying functional genes, especially in some species whose genetic information is unavailable. A total of 180 ESTs have been generated from a cDNA library of gametophytic Gracilaria lemaneiformis in this study. These clones are clustered into 151 groups, among which 8 groups are highly homologous to chloroplast genes and are abundant in the library. After searching for matches in the EST database of red alga, 22 groups are found to match with the registered ESTs of Rhodophyta and 6 with Gracilaria. Searching in the protein database reveal that 73 non-redundant clones have significant similarity to some known sequences, the majority of which are involved in photosynthesis, DNA transcription or translation, and 6, 4 and 3 clones are associated with growth or development, signal transduction and stress or defense response, respectively.
上周学校开展的“培养自信”系列主题活动反响非常不错,大多数同学都积极参与,收获颇多。但是我发现初一(3)班的小欣闷闷不乐地躲在一边,拒绝参与活动,也不和大家一起配合做游戏。活动结束后,我问小欣是不是身体不舒服,她也只是默默摇了摇头。我告诉她,如果心里有困惑或者烦恼需要老师帮助,可以来找老师。今天,小欣就来到办公室和我诉说她的烦恼。  小欣说,她从小到大都非常自卑,因为她有一个非常出色的姐姐。姐姐学
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