An image segmentation based method for iris feature extraction

来源 :中国邮电高校学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luffyzl
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In this article, the local anomalistic blocks such ascrypts, furrows, and so on in the iris are initially used directly asiris features. A novel image segmentation method based onintersecting cortical model (ICM) neural network was introducedto segment these anomalistic blocks. First, the normalized irisimage was put into ICM neural network after enhancement.Second, the iris features were segmented out perfectly and wereoutput in binary image type by the ICM neural network. Finally,the fourth output pulse image produced by ICM neural networkwas chosen as the iris code for the convenience of real timeprocessing. To estimate the performance of the presentedmethod, an iris recognition platform was produced and theHamming Distance between two iris codes was computed tomeasure the dissimilarity between them. The experimentalresults in CASIA vl.0 and Bath iris image databases show thatthe proposed iris feature extraction algorithm has promisingpotential in iris recognition.
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