Constructing of highly porous thermoelectric structures with improved thermoelectric performance

来源 :纳米研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qweasdzxc34
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As more than 60% of worldwide consumed energy is unused and becomes waste heat every year,high-efficiency waste heat to power technologies are highly demanded for the conversion of wasted heat to electricity.Thermoelectrics which can convert the wasted heat directly into electricity represent a promising approach for energy recovery.Thermoelectric technology has existed for several decades,but its usage has been limited due to low efficiencies.Recent advances in nanotechnology have enabled the improving of thermoelectric properties which open up the thermoelectrics\' feasibility in industry.In this paper,we present an overview of recent progress in increasing the porosity of thermoelectric materials from atomic scale to microscale,leading to the enhancement of figure of merit.
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抚远水道是连接黑龙江与乌苏里江的唯一水道,战略意义十分重要.通过构建抚远水道平面二维混合网格水沙数值模型,研究百年一遇频率洪水条件下抚远水道的水力特性,预测远期抚远水道的冲淤分布和河床演变趋势.研究结果表明,在百年一遇频率洪水条件下,抚远水道进出口水位分别约为42.2 m和41.0 m.抚远水道内流速沿程减小,入口和出口处流速分别约为1.2 m/s和0.4 m/s.抚远水道占黑龙江的分流比为13.7%~15.1%,且随着流量增大而增大.抚远水道总体河势相对稳定,河道内河床基本处于微冲或冲淤平衡状态,圈河岛
针对溪洛渡水电站蓄水运用后的泥沙淤积问题,基于实测资料,采用断面法分析了溪洛渡水库的淤积特性.结果 表明:溪洛渡水库2014-2018年在正常蓄水位条件下淤积泥沙总量43625万m3,较可行性研究阶段的预测值大幅减小.泥沙淤积导致水库死库容减少7.8%,有效库容损失0.6%,防洪库容增加0.08%.泥沙淤积集中在常年回水区,沿深泓线形成淤积带,以主槽的平淤为主要形式.干流库区深泓纵剖面形态呈带状淤积,支流为三角洲淤积或锥体淤积.牛栏江和西溪河河口段纵剖面比降淤平,存在形成拦门沙的风险.
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基于实测资料,分析松花江干流水沙运动与河型特征之间的关系.结果 表明:松花江干流为冲积平原河流,水沙来量基本呈现正比关系且年际间变化较大,区间流域与上游基本相当.河床质为粒径0.005~0.6mm中细沙,悬沙在河床质中仅占比3% ~5%,其绝大部分为不参与造床的冲泄质.不同水情下的沿程水面比降相近,上游段较缓、中下游段较陡.上游段主槽散乱,洪漫滩地宽阔,水流流速小,造床作用甚微,中、下游河段水流流速较大,造床作用较为明显,且中游段主槽为单一或简单分汊河型,下游段为辫状分汊河型.