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西安作为陕西的都府,一直以来以六朝古都而知名,在全国来说有着非比寻常的文化底蕴。然而,在这座有着几千年文明史的古都中,当代艺术文化活动却一直不温不火,甚至有时显得孤立无援。作为最早兴起当代艺术的地区之一,在诸多历史环境的影响下,西安的当代艺术几度花开花落,始终没有结出美好的果实。在新的历史机遇下,西安的当代艺术再度重燃。美术馆等机构的建立为推广当代艺术提供了良好的条件,西安美术学院当代教育的破冰,也为当代艺术培植出了良好的温床。如此看来, Xi’an, as the capital of Shaanxi Province, has been known for its ancient capital of the Six Dynasties and has a remarkable cultural heritage throughout the country. However, in this ancient capital with thousands of years of history of civilization, contemporary art and cultural activities have been tepid and sometimes isolated. As one of the earliest emerging areas of contemporary art, under the influence of many historical environments, the contemporary art in Xi’an has been blooming for many times and has never achieved a good result. Under the new historical opportunity, contemporary art in Xi’an rekindled again. The establishment of art galleries and other institutions provided good conditions for the promotion of contemporary art. The icebreaking of contemporary education at the Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts has also produced a good hotbed for contemporary art. It seems,
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On the basis of the theories of mechanics of explosive and rock fracture mechanics, the mechanism of crack initiation and its expansion of directional fracture
HPLC法测定尿中茶碱及其代谢产物的特点是制备样品简单,分析时间较短,并有很好的分辨力。仪器:具有LC-100柱箱和LC-75 UV分光光度检测器(273 nm)的Series 2双泵色谱仪(Perki
甘肃省中医院儿科创建于1953年。现有主任医师2人、副主任医师3人、住院医师2人,其中获得硕士学位者2人,科室技术力量雄厚,年门诊量9000余人次。 Pediatrics of Gansu Provi
本文首先采用 L_8(4~1×2~4)正交试验法对浓度、酸度、温度、时间诸因素导致磺胺嘧啶钠注射液和葡萄糖注射液产生微细结晶的情况进行探讨,发现浓度和酸度的影响显著;继而在一
随着医学的发展,手术后病人的完全胃肠外营养的研究发展较快。但长期以来,国 With the development of medicine, the research of complete parenteral nutrition of post
离体心脏不受神经支配,实验条件较易控制,为药理研究所常用。工作心脏(Working heart)较Langendorff心脏更接近于生理状态,常用者为大鼠工作心脏,但灌流装置较复杂。最近,Mi