
来源 :中国民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunxunjun2008
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国有企业改革的不断深化,给新时期城市民兵工作带来了许多新情况、新问题。为了适应形势的变化,做好城市民兵调整改革工作,应把握好以下几个环节。 坚持依法建民兵,加大国防法规的宣传力度。国家的宪法、兵役法、国防法和国务院颁布的《民兵工作条例》以及七部委《关于企业民兵、预备役工作的规定》,是新时期民兵建设各项工作的根本依据,要依照法律开展工作,规范行为。加大国防法规的宣传力度,利用多种形式开展国防教育,重点解决少数党政干部和个别企业领导国防观念淡化,片面认为国防建设是 The continuous deepening of the reform of state-owned enterprises has brought many new situations and new problems to the urban militia work in the new period. In order to adapt to changes in the situation and do a good job in the restructuring and reform of urban militias, we should grasp the following aspects. Insist on building a militia in accordance with the law and step up propaganda on national defense laws and regulations. The Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, the Military Service Law, the National Defense Law and the Regulations on the Work of Militias promulgated by the State Council and the “Provisions on Enterprise Militia and Reserve Work” issued by the seven ministries and commissions are the fundamental basis for all the militia building work in the new era. They are required to work according to law and regulate behavior. We should step up propaganda in national defense laws and regulations, carry out national defense education in various forms and focus on resolving the weakening of the national defense awareness among the leaders of minority political parties and enterprises. In one-sided view, the building of national defense is
《区域供热》杂志自一九八二年创刊,迄今已渡过十个春秋。 在改革开放的洪流中,《区域供热》杂志,在促进我国集中供热事业的发展、介绍节能方针政策、国内外集中供热先进技
对开好标准编制组第一次会议需做的准备工作谈了一些看法。 The preparations for the first meeting of the Standards Development Group were discussed.