
来源 :中国医院管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lpdshr
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1 减员增效,团结协作。医院的行政管理部门切忌人员过多,应从科学性和整体性出发,定岗、定员,做到任务分解、职能到位、责任到位、人员素质到位。各成员应做到相互配合、相互协作,当分管某项工作的成员不在时,其他人员会帮其完成。 2 民主的领导方式。各部门领导应充分发扬民主,在分配特定任务时,量才分工。在日常工作中创造民主、宽松的氛围,让大家畅所欲言,无所顾忌地提出不同意见,对于有建设性的意见积极采纳。 3 严格的要求和适度的压力。院领导严格的要求会统一医院各行政部门成 1 Reduced staff efficiency, unity and cooperation. The administrative department of the hospital should not avoid too many personnel. It should start from a scientific and holistic point of view, determine the position and capacity, and accomplish the task decomposition, function in place, responsibility in place, and personnel quality in place. Members should cooperate with each other and cooperate with each other. When the members in charge of a certain work are absent, other personnel will help them complete the work. 2 Democratic leadership. The leaders of various departments should fully promote democracy. When assigning specific tasks, the division of labor is the only measure. Create a democratic and relaxed atmosphere in everyday work, let everyone speak their minds freely, raise different opinions without scruple, and actively adopt constructive opinions. 3 Strict requirements and moderate pressure. The strict requirements of the hospital leadership will unify the hospital administrative departments into
弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤(diffuse large B-cell lymphoma,DLBCL)是一种具有高度异质性的淋巴造血系统恶性肿瘤,目前用标准化疗方案治疗的多数DLBCL患者可以被治愈,但仍有30%~40%的DLBC
1 故障统计目前 ,内燃机车牵引电动机的悬挂方式基本上采用轴悬式或架悬式。东风4 型机车的牵引电动机采用的是刚性轴悬式驱动机构。牵引电动机的一端由两个抱轴轴承刚性地
通过对多层砖混结构构造柱的性能、作用、施工质量的分析 ,给出了构造柱过程质量通病的防治措施。 Through the analysis of the performance, function and construction q
在微波辐射下合成了(±)-1-[(2-羟基-5-甲基苯基)(苯基)甲基]-2-吡啶苯并咪唑;反应产率为70.3%,高于传统合成方法;反应时间由传统合成方法的10 h缩短到微波合成的45 min;通过
目的 评价敷治疗糖尿病足的优点及护理措施.方法 回顾分析46例患者的护理经验.结果 在治愈率及总有效率上比较,治疗组明显优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P