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美国网球明星麦肯罗在英国面对着两场战事。第一场当然是即将开幕的温布顿网球大赛。另一场则是他与英国报界各不相让的唇枪舌剑。第二场战斗实际上已经开始了。他在刚刚结束的女王杯比赛中虽然拿到了冠军奖杯,但与裁判员大大争吵了一番,而且出言不逊。在女王杯的决赛中,现场裁判判他打的一个球出线,马上起了争执。麦肯罗大骂裁判是Moron,停赛十分钟。 Moron这个字并不常见,意思是痴人,笨人,其智能程度仅象八岁儿童的大人。这比骂人为先天的 American tennis star McEnroe faces two fights in the UK. The first is certainly the upcoming Wimbledon tennis tournament. The other is his flattery with the British press. The second battle has actually started. He won a championship trophy at the just-concluded Queen’s Cup, but quarrel with the referee for a long time and made a foul remark. In the Queen’s Cup final, the on-court referee sentenced him to play a qualifying appearance, immediately a dispute. McEnroe cursed the referee is Moron, suspended for ten minutes. The word Moron is uncommon, meaning idiotic, stupid, intelligent as an eight-year-old. This is more innocent than swearing
着法(红先胜): 1.(兵)41 (将)61 2.(兵)41 (将)65 3.(兵)41 (将)51 4.(兵)41 (将)54 5.(炮)62 (士)45 6.(炮)63 (炮)34 7.(兵)67 (炮)47注 8.(兵)76 (士)54 9.(兵)65 (士)45
人的创新能力有多种能力构成,只有认真分析其构成,才能找到培养学生创新能力的入手点。同时还应注意非智力因素的作用。 People’s ability to innovate has a variety of c
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国际象棋世界区际赛是众所瞩目的重大国际比赛,级别高,强手云集,是通向世界冠军的前奏赛。 它的级别,一般在十二级以上,是以参加者的国际等级分平均数确定的。除了世界冠军
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