摆正粮果关系 因地制宜发展果树生产

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我县地处河北省东北部,北靠燕山,南临渤海,是个六山一水三分田的丘陵山区。全县46个公社,690个生产大队,45万人口。有耕地78万亩,山场、丘陵面积142万亩,其中有林面积71万亩。从1972年以来,我们认真贯彻“以粮为纲,全面发展”的方针,在狠抓粮食生产的同时,充分利用丘陵山场的自然条件,大力发展果树生产,相互促进,连续七年获得粮果双丰收。全县现有各种果树426万株(人均9.5株),比1971年的84万株增加4.1倍。有果树大队520个,占全县总队数的75%。有百亩以上果园的大队4个, My county is located in northeastern Hebei Province, north of Yanshan, south of the Bohai Sea, is a six hills and one water three hills of hills. The county 46 communes, 690 production brigades, 450,000 population. There are 78 acres of arable land, mountain fields, hilly area of ​​1420000 acres, of which 710000 acres of forest area. Since 1972, we have conscientiously implemented the principle of “taking grain as the key link and all-round development”. While paying close attention to food production, we have made full use of the natural conditions of the hilly mountain fields to vigorously develop the production of fruit trees and promote each other for food for seven consecutive years Fruit double harvest. The county now has 4.26 million kinds of fruit trees (9.5 strains per capita), 4.1 times more than 840,000 strains in 1971. There are 520 fruit tree brigades, accounting for 75% of the total number of brigades in the county. There are more than 100 acres orchards brigade 4,
经历了一场惊心动魄的 SARS 之后,人们对“消毒”一词已不再陌生,但是涉及家中有乙肝患者应如何消毒的问题,可能就不十分清楚了。 After a thrilling SARS, people are no l
爱会创造奇迹吗?当你轻轻翻开这本书,对这个问题尚有疑虑,等你静静地合上它时,你心中必有肯定的回答。 Will love create miracles? When you gently open the book, there