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同治十五年秋,广东籍的龙城知府谢光祖带着一家老小和随从告老还乡,乘船顺黔江而下。这天,船行至仙城境内,天色已晚,谢光祖吩咐靠岸停泊留宿。吃过晚饭,众人早早进船舱休息。谢光祖独自坐在船头,在夜色中回想官场的种种往事。前方的不远处是并排的五座高山,将滚滚江水拦腰折弯,逼迫江水改道迂回而下,故此地人称之为五马拦江。十年前,谢光祖从龚县调往龙城任职,逆江而上,途经此地也停留了一晚。当年他意气风发赴任,如今致仕归乡,已是赚得盆满钵满。 In the autumn of 15 years of Tongzhi, Xie Guangzu, a prefect of Longcheng, a Cantonese native, brought a young man and his entourage to retire from hometown. On this day, the shipping line to Sin City territory, the sky is late, Xie Guangzu told berth anchored overnight. After dinner, everyone into the cabin early to rest. Xie Guangzu sitting alone in the bow, in the night memories of the official events of the past. Not far from the front is the side by side five mountains, rolling the middle of the river bending, forcing the river diverted detour, so people call it five Majiang. Ten years ago, Xie Guangzu transferred from Gong County to Dragon City office, against the river and on the way through this place also stayed for one night. At that time, he was in high spirits to go to office, and now lead his hometown, is already profitable.
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