Effect of Shrimp(Litopenaeus vannamei) Farming Waste on the Growth, Digestion, Ammonium-Nitrogen Exc

来源 :Journal of Ocean University of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zx0755
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In this study, specific growth rate(SGR), ingestion rate(IR), food conversion ratio(FCR), apparent digestion ratio(ADR) and ammonium-nitrogen excretion were determined for sea cucumber(Stichopus monotuberculatus) reared in plastic containers(70 L; 4 containers each diet treatment). Sea cucumbers were fed with five diets containing different amounts of farming waste from shrimp(Litopenaeus vannamei)(100%, 75%, 50%, 25% and 0) and a formulated compound(20% sea mud and 80% powdered algae). Sea cucumbers grew faster when they were fed with diet D(25% shrimp waste and 75% formulated compound) than those fed with other diets. Although IR value of sea cucumber fed with diet A(shrimp waste) was higher than those fed with other diets, both the lowest SGR and the highest FCR occurred in this diet group. The highest and the lowest ADR occurred in diet E(formulated compound) and diet A group, respectively, and the same to ammonium-nitrogen excretion. The contents of crude protein, crude lipid and total organic matter(TOM) in feces decreased in comparison with corresponding diets. In the feces from different diet treatments, the contents of crude protein and TOM increased gradually as the contents of crude protein and TOM in diets increased, while crude lipid content decreased gradually as the crude lipid content in diets increased. In this study, specific growth rate (SGR), ingestion rate (IR), food conversion ratio (FCR), apparent digestion ratio (ADR) and ammonium-nitrogen excretion were determined for sea cucumber (Stichopus monotuberculatus) reared in plastic containers L; 4 containers each diet treatment. Sea cucumbers were fed with five diets containing different amounts of farming waste from shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) (100%, 75%, 50%, 25% and 0) and a formulated compound (20% Sea mud and 80% powdered algae). Sea cucumbers grew faster when they were fed with diet D (25% shrimp waste and 75% formulated compound) than those fed with other diets. Although IR value of sea cucumber fed with diet A (shrimp the highest and the lowest occurred in diet E (formulated compound) and diet A group, respectively, and the same to ammonium-nitrogen excretion. The contents of crude protein, crude lipid and total organic matter (TOM) in feces decreased in comparison with corresponding diets. In the feces from different diet treatments, the contents of crude protein and TOM increased gradually as the contents of crude protein and TOM in diets increased, while while as the crude lipid content in diets increased.
2014年上半年全国共检验检疫进口食品总量达49.3万批,总金额达249.3亿美元,同比分别增长8.5%和14.4%。其中,共检出质量安全项目不合格进口食品1398批次,不合格食品主要涉及15类,如酒、糕点、糖、调味品和乳制品类,产品来自43个国家和地区,其中,进口自美国、法国、意大利等发达国家产品成为不合格进口食品“重灾区” 。进口食品不合格原因从微生物污染、违法添加化学物质到重金属含量超标,不
上周我的朋友圈在同一天被推送了两条和小米公司有关的消息:一是雷军准备做净化器了;还有就是爱立信指控小米使用了该公司的专利却拒绝支付专利费,所有小米手机在印度被禁止销售。   在业内,雷军领导的小米被誉为“搅局者”甚至是“颠覆者”。据说,在国内山寨手机行业以内,一款手机如果卖10万部就可以盈亏平衡了,这也是小米手机横空出世又迅速成功的原因。其實,除了人工便宜以外,国产手机在知识产权方面基本都没付费