
来源 :中南林业调查规划 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:belive
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林分密度控制图是科学经营现有森林,合理利用土地资源的一种森林经营图。它可用于定量间伐、资源清查、生长予测、因地制宜确定更新树种、初始密度、培育年限和材种规格、按培育目标控制林分密度等,以达到森林的永续高产和多效益的经营目的。可见它是提高森林经营水平的重要工具,但编制密控图的模型和公 The stand density control chart is a kind of forest management plan that scientifically manages the existing forest and makes rational use of the land resources. It can be used for quantitative thinning, resource inventory, growth forecast, according to local conditions to determine the updated tree species, initial density, incubation period and timber species specifications, according to the cultivation of objectives to control the stand density in order to achieve sustainable high yield and multi-benefit forest management purposes . It can be seen that it is an important tool to improve the management level of forests, but the models and public compilation charts are compiled
A rapid,sensitive and reproducible high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) method with post-column fluorescence derivatization has been developed to determ
谭门七代  京剧历经200余年的风雨变幻,各个门派争奇斗艳,尽显芳华。梨园界演绎着一段又一段故事,如同大海中的浪花般连绵不绝。谭派以其独特的身姿屹立其中,从创始人谭志道算起,已逾150年。谭门七代专工老生,皆出自一门一姓。在京剧界绝无仅有,历久弥新,光彩夺目,俨然一个传奇。  京剧老生鼻祖程长庚曾预言:“吾死后,鑫培必成大气候。”谭鑫培曾师事程长庚、余三胜,并向张二奎、卢胜奎、王九龄问艺,博采众长
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In order to investigate the nature of international crude oil futures and present evidence of long memory and nonlinear dependence for crude oil futures volatil