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在改革开放和发展社会主义市场经济的新形势下,如何使我军既要逐步用现代化装备武装起来,做到军事过硬,又能继续发扬优良传统,保持老红军本色长久不衰,保证官兵政治上的坚定性和思想道德的纯洁性.这是事关军队建设方向和“我们将以什么样的姿态进入二十一世纪”的很现实、很重要的问题.对此,邓小平同志有过许多精辟论述,构成了建设有中国特色社会主义理论的重要内容.江泽民同志主持军委工作以来,始终不渝地坚持以邓小平建设有中国特色社会主义理论为指导,从世界格局的变化和国内形势发展的实际出发,提出了一系列加强新形势下军队建设的重要思想,特别强调要高度重视军队的思想政治建设,并要求必须把它摆在全军各项建设的首位.江主席的论述,高瞻远瞩,精辟透彻,期望殷切,针对性强,既体现了马克思主义的建军原则与邓小平新时期的建军思想,又反映了他建军治军方略的鲜明特色,为搞好新形势下军队思想政治建设指明了方向.我们应着眼于国际国内的大背景和军队建设的实际,从保持我军性质宗旨,发挥我军职能,实现我军历史使命和建设目标的高度,认真学习、深刻领会江主席关于加强军队思想政治建设论述的重大意义. Under the new situation of reform and opening up and the development of a socialist market economy, how can we enable our military to gradually arm ourselves with modern equipment so that the military will be excellent and will continue to carry forward its fine traditions, maintain the true nature of the old Red Army for a long time, and ensure that the officers and soldiers’ political Firmness in ideology and morality, which is a very realistic and very important issue concerning the direction of army building and the direction of “what kind of attitude we will enter in the 21st century.” To this end, Comrade Deng Xiaoping has had many To elaborate and elaborate on the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics constitutes an important part of Comrade Jiang Zemin’s military work since the unswerving adherence to Deng Xiaoping’s theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics as a guide, from the changes in the world situation and the development of the domestic situation In actual fact, he put forward a series of important thinking on strengthening army building under the new situation, stressing in particular the need to attach great importance to the ideological and political building of the army and demanding that it must be placed in the first place of all the army’s construction. Chairman Jiang’s speech has a far-sighted, Profound and thorough, with high expectations and strong pertinence, embody the principle of the founding of Marxism and the establishment of Deng Xiaoping in the new era But also reflect the distinctive features of his general plan of building a military for the military and pointed out the direction for doing a good job in ideological and political construction of the armed forces under the new situation.We should focus on the general background both at home and abroad and the actual conditions for building the armed forces and from the purpose of maintaining the nature of our military Give play to the functions of our military and achieve the historic mission and goal of our military. We should conscientiously study and deeply understand Chairman Jiang’s great significance on strengthening the discussion on the ideological and political construction of the armed forces.
摘要:模拟法庭大赛是法学学专业的一项赛事,比赛的目的在于提高大学生的实践能力、培养学生的法律职业素质,比赛对于提高法学专业的教学效果具有引导作用。本文就如何充实教学方法、丰富教学方式、完善教学管理措施等方面,结合教学实际、比赛训练、比赛过程、比赛表现等方面,指出了教学中的问题、改进的建议。  关键词:模拟法庭;教学影响;思考  中图分类号:G642.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-0079
澳门这座城市很有意思。现代化留给了大酒店和外围的居民区,中心位置的古老与欧式风格却完整地保存下来,巷子像一条纽带,把建筑物灰色的外墙,宽大的窗户和高高的木门等联系在一起。  岁月和老树上的年轮一起增长,当我抵达澳门的这些巷子时,我终于听到了它的声音,闻到了它的气息,走进了外婆的回忆。  那年战乱,外婆随着家人从澳门逃往广东,总算是避过了劫难。在往后的人生里,她结婚,生子,一遍一遍地把澳门的模样从记
像一群各色的姑娘,又如绵绵饱满的少年。昼夜均,寒暑平。日光鼎盛,春来冬往。是你,不是风。是交替,不是四季。立春/Spring Begins一写到立春这两个字,仿佛闻到了绿色,亦仿佛
深秋叙  在深秋,一个老人感受双重的冷——  凉风可促成橘子的甜意?  但他,枯涩的大局已定,  宜沉默,写便条,删繁就简,  如落尽因果的树枝。  让桃李春风中的少年  去连篇累牍铺叙青草和花瓣,  情书等长于灼热的身体——  早年,他也反复梦见过与自身等长的  床单和情人。  人靠衣衫马靠鞍,小河靠木桥,  黑夜靠灯火,暮年靠童年——  靠这种种的绚丽、跨度、光线,  人、马、小河、黑夜、暮年
一  古城房州的四月,淫雨不断,淅淅沥沥,街上行人稀少,生意自然冷清。在店铺掌柜们都望雨发愁的时候,漱墨斋的老板冷雨田正悠闲地坐在后院廊下品着一壶明前毛尖,饶有兴致地欣赏着几盆典雅的盆景在小雨中愈发地青绿。  冷雨田已经不用亲自掌柜,柜上有他带了三年的徒弟子林。子林聪慧好学,目前已能提前出师,冷雨田只是在贵重物件儿上把一下目,其他都交给子林打理。    近来喜事不断,一方北宋古砚和一件前清鼻烟壶接