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基于俄罗斯油气管理机构设置、俄罗斯油气资源相关法律法规和政策分析,得出油气资源管理主要分为前期基础管理、中期许可证管理和后期生产运营及基金管理3个阶段。通过对油气资源管理3个阶段管理流程的论述和分析,发现在俄罗斯油气资源管理中,充分的前期基础工作为加强国家对油气资源的控制和管理提供了保障,中期对能源项目的层层审核体现了俄罗斯对其油气资源勘探和使用许可证管理过程审核的严谨和考察的全面,油气资源管理后期,俄联邦政府对于油气资源的基金管理体现了俄联邦政府对于技术发展和子孙后代可持续发展问题的重视。结合俄罗斯油气资源管理体制的优点和我国油气资源管理体制当前存在的问题,以期为完善我国油气资源管理体制提供参考建议。 Based on the establishment of Russia’s oil and gas management institutions and the relevant laws, regulations and policy analysis of Russia’s oil and gas resources, the paper concludes that oil and gas resources management can be divided into three phases, namely basic management, medium-term license management, post-production operation and fund management. Through the discussion and analysis of the management process of the three stages of oil and gas resources management, it is found that the sufficient preliminary work in Russia’s oil and gas resources management provides a guarantee for strengthening the control and management of oil and gas resources in Russia. In the medium term, Reflects Russia’s oil and gas exploration and use permit management process audit rigorous and comprehensive investigation, the late oil and gas management Later, the Russian federal government fund management for oil and gas resources reflects the Russian federal government for the development of technology and the sustainable development of future generations The problem of attention. Combining the advantages of Russia’s oil and gas resources management system and the existing problems of China’s oil and gas resources management system, we hope to provide suggestions for improving the management system of oil and gas resources in China.
分析了云南高原山区高等级公路跨线桥设计的演变、存在问题及发展方向。 The evolution, existing problems and development direction of high-grade flyover in Yunnan P
微机化钙铁煤分析仪(简称分析仪)应用于水泥工业的定量分析,采用计算机控制, 操作简单,测定速度快,是人工操作的取代产品.
浙江大学食品科技系(邮码:310027,电话:0571-86971162)博士生导师席玙芳教授最近在杨梅保鲜研究上取得新突破,这将彻底解决杨梅的保鲜问题。 Department of Food Science a
20 0 1年 4月 16日由瑞士豪夫迈·罗氏中亚 (无锡 )柠檬酸有限公司 4万t柠檬酸新厂落成典礼在无锡举行。罗氏中亚 (无锡 )柠檬酸有限公司是由双方共同投资 750 0万美元兴建的
鱼腥草学名蕺菜,其地下茎又称折耳根,因有特殊的鱼腥味而得名。我国黄河流域以南各省区均有分布。  说起鱼腥草,童年时我还有过一段刻骨铭心、没齿不忘的经历。  从我记事起,年长三岁的哥哥就天天陪着我一起玩耍,我甚至现在还依稀记得当年我们趴在地上打玻璃弹子的情景。不幸的是,哥哥小小年纪却患上了肺结核病(旧时俗称痨病),身体每况愈下。当时,肺结核病的治疗办法极少,在民间广泛流行着“十痨九死”和“不治之症”