患儿男性,出生20天。因腹部包块20天入院。患儿出生时,即发现腹部膨隆,可触及包块,回家后发现腹部进行性膨胀,肿块增大异常迅速。查体:体温37.2℃,体重4kg,腹部膨隆,张力较高腹壁静脉显露,腹部肿块界线触及不清,无移动性浊音,肠鸣音弱。血、尿、粪常规检查无异常。肝功能检查:各项基本正常。AFP 3700μg/L。B超示:(1)肝大,肝内占位。(2)脾大。(3)胆囊显示不清。X线胸腹透视未见异常。在基础加骶麻下行剖腹探查术。术中见肝脏缘过脐,肝组织表面凹凸不平,质
Children with children, born 20 days. 20 days due to abdominal mass admission. Children born, that is, abdominal distension, palpable mass, home after the abdomen was found to be expanded, the abnormal increase in mass rapid. Physical examination: body temperature 37.2 ℃, weight 4kg, abdominal bulging, high tension abdominal veins revealed, abdominal mass line unclear reach, no mobility dullness, bowel sounds weak. No abnormal blood, urine and fecal routine examination. Liver function tests: the basic normal. AFP 3700 μg / L. B ultrasound shows: (1) liver, liver space. (2) splenomegaly. (3) Gallbladder shows unclear. X-ray showed no abnormal chest X-ray. In the basic plus sacrococcygeal laparotomy. Intraoperative see the edge of the liver over the umbilical liver surface roughness, quality