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冬天的一个晚上,大雪纷飞。冬冬躺在床上,很快就进入了梦乡。她梦见自己身穿棉衣,头戴风雪帽,手上戴着棉手套,脚上穿着棉鞋。她不知不觉地走到大森林里。森林变了样,树上像披着块白纱巾,地上像铺着一张白色的地毯。冬冬走着走着,忽然,听到咯吱咯吱的响声。她十分惊奇,急忙躲到 One night in winter, snow falls. Winter in bed, quickly went to sleep. She dreamed of wearing a cotton coat, wearing a snow cap, cotton gloves on her hands and cotton shoes on her feet. She unknowingly walked into the forest. The forest has changed, the tree is like a piece of white scarf, and the ground is covered with a white carpet. Walking winter and winter, suddenly heard the creaking noise. She was very surprised, hurried to hide
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本文简述了脉冲扩宽技术用于测定地震波衰减参量的方法及初步实践的效果。 This paper briefly describes the pulse width-expanding technique used to determine the att
我校中地公司日前顺利通过深圳质量认证中心的验收 ,获 ISO90 0 1 :2 0 0 0质量管理体系质量认证证书。中地公司自行开发的 MAPGIS地理信息系统软件 ,由国家科技部组织的国产
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昔日作为高档标志的水磨石地坪和化纤地毯,现已稍稍让位于异军突起的花岗岩地坪、地砖。这是近年来南京建筑装潢市场上的新动态。 The terrazzo floors and chemical fiber
Waterlogging is one of the major water issues in most cities of China and directly restricts their urbanization processes.The construction of Sponge City is an
听妈妈说爸爸还有10天就要过生日了,这可愁坏了我。要知道,我一直是爸爸的“死党”。在这样的日子里,我送一件什么样的特殊礼物,才能表达我的孝心呢?我想啊想,终于, Listen