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三峡主体工程开工一周年成绩斐然[本刊讯]举世瞩目的三峡工程分三期施工,一期工程五年,以1997年长江截流为标志宣告一期工程结束;二期工程六年,以2003年第一批机组发电为标志表明二期工程完毕;三期工程六年,以2009年完建为标志,宣布三峡工程竣工。1... The first anniversary of the construction of the main project of the Three Gorges has made remarkable achievements [This news] The Three Gorges project has attracted attention in three phases. The first phase of the project has been completed for five years. The completion of the first phase of the project was marked by the closure of the Yangtze River in 1997; the second phase of the project was six years, followed by 2003. The first batch of generating units for power generation marked the completion of the second phase of the project; the third phase of the project was completed six years ago and was completed in 2009 as a sign that the completion of the Three Gorges Project was completed. 1...
我们湖北省宜城市成立乡电管站时,就把村级电工纳为乡电管站直接统一管理,列入乡电管站编制,并作为乡电管站派住村级管电的乡电管员. When we set up the township power ma
我们河北省灵寿县从1988年开始实行农村电工统管,经历了8年历程,有几点体会,说出来与同仁共勉. In Lingshou County, Hebei Province, we began implementing the rural ele
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