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如果我们的语文教学能把“教学生会学”;当作一项必不可少的任务来对待,坚持有要求、有落实,天长日久,我们的教学便会自觉摆脱传授知识的局限,向提高学生能力、素质转化。 动机是一切学习的原动力,是推动学生学习的主观因素,是学生学会学习的前提。如果学生不愿学,甚至厌学,那就无法教学生“学会”,也就更谈不上“会学”了。因此,我们在教学中应注重激发学生的学习动机,培养学生的求知兴趣。首先,我们可以根据语文学科的特点,对学生进行学习目的教育,引导学生确立正确的学习动机。其次,是融洽师生感情。我们应注意与学生的情感交流,尊重学生,爱护学生,建立起和谐的师生关系,使学生尊其师,信其道, If our language teaching can treat “teaching students’ learning” as an indispensable task, insist on requirements and implement them, and as time goes on, our teaching will consciously get rid of the limitations of imparting knowledge and improve students’ abilities. Quality transformation. Motivation is the driving force behind all learning. It is a subjective factor that promotes student learning and a prerequisite for students to learn. If students are reluctant to learn or even be tired of study, they cannot teach students to “learn” and even less to “learn”. Therefore, we should pay attention to motivating students’ learning motivation and cultivating students’ interest in learning. First of all, we can educate students on the purpose of learning according to the characteristics of the language disciplines, and guide students to establish the correct learning motivation. Second, it is sympathetic to teachers and students. We should pay attention to emotional communication with students, respect students, care for students, and establish a harmonious teacher-student relationship so that students respect their teachers and believe in them.
例1.她们结婚已经两年了.误:They have married for two yesrs.正:They have been marricd for two years.正:It is two years Since they they married.[析]:终止性动词的
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