七十载情与爱 见证中国

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伊斯雷尔·爱泼斯坦(IsraelEpstein),1915年出生在波兰华沙,1917年跟随父母移居中国。1931年后在英文《京津泰晤士报》和《北平时事日报》工作。1933年与斯诺相识,1937年在斯诺创办于北平的英文杂志《民主》从事编辑工作。抗日战争期间,作为美国合众社记者奔赴南京、广州、武汉及山东台儿庄前线采访。1938年应宋庆龄邀请赴香港参加“保卫中国同盟”中央委员会,主持英文半月刊《新闻通讯》,积极宣传中国人民的抗日斗争并争取国际援助,同时在香港《南华早报》、《孖子刺报》当兼职记者。1939年,他撰写了《人民之战》一书,生动地介绍了中国人民的抗战历程。1941年底香港沦陷,他被日本侵略军关进集中营,逃脱后转移至桂林。1942年,抵达重庆,任美国《联合劳动新闻》记者。1944年6月,随中外记者团访问陕北和晋绥抗日根据地,采访了毛泽东、周恩来等领导人,并将见闻写成多篇文章在美、英、澳大利亚、印度等国的报刊上发表。返回重庆后,继续从事宋庆龄领导的“保卫中国同盟”活动,援助中国人民夺取民族解放的最后胜利。1945年经印度、英国抵达美国,担任美国《联合劳动新闻》总编辑,在美期间仍然关注中国人民的革命进程,积极参加美国的民间进步组织——“争取远东民主政策委员会”,为反对美国干涉中国内政,加深中美人民之间的了解和友谊做了大量的工作。1947年,在美国出版了《中国未完成的革命》一书,详尽阐述中国抗日战争的全过程和战后中国面临的问题。 IsraelEpstein was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1915 and moved to China with his parents in 1917. After 1931 in the English “Beijing-Tianjin Times” and “Peking current affairs daily” work. In 1933 and Snow met, in 1937 in Snow founded Peking’s English magazine “democracy” in editing. During the Anti-Japanese War, as a reporter of the U.S. Associated Press went to Nanjing, Guangzhou, Wuhan and Shandong Taierzhuang front-line interview. At the invitation of Soong Ching Ling in 1938, he went to Hong Kong to attend the Central Committee for the Defense of the Chinese Alliance, and presided over the English newsletter. He actively advocated the anti-Japanese struggle of the Chinese people and sought international assistance. At the same time, in the “South China Morning Post” When part-time reporters. In 1939, he wrote The Battle of the People, a book that vividly introduced the history of the Chinese people’s war of resistance. After the fall of Hong Kong in late 1941, he was locked in a concentration camp by Japanese aggressors and escaped to Guilin. In 1942, he arrived in Chongqing and served as a reporter for United Labor Union. In June 1944, with reporters from China and the United States visiting the anti-Japanese bases in northern Shanxi and Shanxi, they interviewed leaders such as Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai and published many articles in the press in the United States, Britain, Australia, India and other countries. After returning to Chongqing, he continued his activities of “defending the Chinese alliance” led by Soong Ching Ling and assisted the Chinese people in winning the final victory of national liberation. In 1945, he arrived in the United States via India and the United Kingdom and served as editor-in-chief of the United Labor Union. He remained concerned with the Chinese people’s revolutionary progress during the period of the United States. They actively participated in the U.S. progress organization for democracy, “Fighting for the Far East Democracy Policy Committee,” and opposed the U.S. Have done a great deal of work in interfering in China’s internal affairs and deepening the understanding and friendship between the peoples of China and the United States. In 1947, “Unfinished Revolution in China” was published in the United States, detailing the whole process of China’s anti-Japanese war and the problems China faced after the war.
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