
来源 :专用汽车 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wcd_soft
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本栏目连续刊登了两期《关于“五轴半挂汽车列车道路货物运输模式探讨”的讨论》之后,编辑又与业内人士就此话题进行了更深入的交流。从交流的情况来看,大多数人观点趋同,认为谢良富先生所提出的运输模式,一方面涉及到国家现行的政策、标准、法规、国情及市场,以及生产企业和物流营运商的利益关系,短期内不易实现;另一方面从技术的角度来看,以该种车型全面满足国内道路货物的运输要求,也不太现实。不过谢先生所提出的观点,仍具有一定的建设性和前瞻性,其意义在于引起行业人士借鉴和广泛思考;引导牵引车和半挂车生产企业关注和努力构建理想模式;促进行业标准化和规范化,为相关的管理部门提供参考依据。本刊还会在近两期对所讨论的内容予以整理并连载,敬请关注,并欢迎大家继续提出富有建设性的不同见解。 This column has published two series of “discussions on the road freight transport modes of five-axle semitrailer trains” on the “”, the editors and industry insiders conducted a more in-depth exchange of topics on this topic. From the perspective of exchange, most people agree that the mode of transport proposed by Mr. Xie Liangfu relates on the one hand to the current national policies, standards, regulations, national conditions and markets, as well as the interests of manufacturing enterprises and logistics operators Is not easy to achieve in the short term. On the other hand, from a technical point of view, it is not realistic to fully meet the transportation requirements of domestic road cargoes with such vehicles. However, Mr. Xie’s point of view still has some constructive and forward-looking, its significance lies in causing industry professionals to learn and think broadly; guide the tractor and trailer manufacturers concern and efforts to build the ideal model; to promote industry standardization and standardization, For the relevant management departments to provide a reference. The article will also be in the last two issues of the contents of the discussion to be collated and serialized, so stay tuned, and welcome to continue to put forward constructive and different views.
近年来,香港人对观赏鱼愈来愈喜爱,主要原因是各类鱼种来源充裕,日本、我国大陆和台湾及其它国家均有大量供应;而且售价己为一般大众所能接受。另外还加上其它有利因素: 一