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医疗制度的改革,使越来越多的人走进了药店购买非处方药物。那么,人们购药时应注意什么呢? 注意药品的有效期 目前市场上出售的药品,在外包装上一般都标有药品的有效期限、失效期限和生产批号,这三个期限是有着时间性差别的。如某药品的包装上标明的有效期限为1999,12。即表标该药品可使用到1999年12月31日;有的药品虽没未标明失效期限,但可以从生产批号表示的制造日期来推算,如某药品生产批号为970901,有效期两年,根据推算该药品的失效期限为1999年8月31日。目前,国内药品的生产批号一般采用六位数字表示,即前两位数字表示生产年份, The reform of the medical system has led more and more people to go to the pharmacies to buy over-the-counter medicines. So, what should people pay attention to when purchasing medicine? Pay attention to the expiration date of the medicine At present, the drugs on the market are often marked with the expiration date, the expiration date and the production lot number of the medicines on the outer packaging. These three periods are time-difference . If a drug packaging marked on the validity period of 1999,12. That is, the standard of the drug can be used until December 31, 1999; although some did not indicate the expiration date of the drug, but can be produced from the production lot number to estimate, such as a drug production lot number 970901, valid for two years, according to The expiration date of this medicine is estimated to be August 31, 1999. At present, the production of domestic drugs batch numbers generally use six digits that the first two digits that year of production,
目的:探讨学龄儿童维生素D营养状况与身体肌肉量的关系。方法:研究对象来自“儿童青少年心血管与骨健康促进项目”,于2017年采用分层整群抽样的方法在北京市对15 391名6~16岁
2009年3月9—12日,2009沥青大世界国际展览会在美国佛罗里达州奥兰多举办。百莱玛设备有限公司作为惟一的中国参展商参加了此次专业盛会。 2009 March 9-12, 2009 Asphalt W