
来源 :日本医学介绍 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ld2001
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1991年,日本厚生省就感染性疾病的未来这一课题,对大学和研究所及其附属医院、防疫站和其他医疗机构的专家们做了书面调查研究。从152名专家的专业来看,内科为38.8%、基础医学为23.0%、外科为20.4%;其中来自大学及附属医院者74人(48.68%)研究所及附属医院者58人(38.15%);两者合计为132人(86.84%)占大多数。调查的主要项目有:①感染性疾病的动向及其对策;②诊断和治疗技术有关的开发性研究课题;③课题重要性论证及其完成的时间等。现将调查结果归纳如下:1.病原体预测及其重要感染性疾病的对策就细菌来说,多数专家预测耐药性金黄色葡萄球菌和绿脓杆菌感染有增加的趋势。90%以上的临床外科医生指出要加强院内感染的预防。提出的具体措施有:强化卫生教育工作;改良医院的建筑结构和改善病房 In 1991, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan conducted a written investigation of the future of infectious diseases on written research by universities and research institutes and their affiliated hospitals, epidemic prevention stations and other medical institutions. According to the profession of 152 specialists, 38.8% were in internal medicine, 23.0% in basic medicine and 20.4% in surgery. Among them, 74 (48.68%) were from institutes and affiliated hospitals and 58 (38.15%) were affiliated institutes and affiliated hospitals. ; A total of 132 people (86.84%) accounted for the majority of both. The main items investigated are: (1) the trend of infectious diseases and their countermeasures; (2) the research projects on the development of diagnosis and treatment technologies; (3) the demonstration of the importance of the project and the time of its completion. The findings are summarized as follows: 1. Pathogen Prediction and Countermeasures for Important Infectious Diseases Most bacteria, for example, predict an increased trend toward drug-resistant S. aureus and P. aeruginosa infections. More than 90% of clinical surgeons have pointed out that they should strengthen the prevention of nosocomial infections. Specific measures proposed are: strengthening health education; improving the hospital’s building structure and improving the ward
  Twenty-four-hour PM2.5 and PM10 samples were collected simultaneously at a highly-trafficked roadside station in Hong Kong every sixth day from October 2004
  目的 间充质细胞(MSC)是一群起源于中胚层细胞具有自我更新和定向分化能力的贴壁生长的多能干细胞,它是一群区别于造血干细胞的干细胞群,具有有支持造血,维持内环境稳定、促
  目的 已经证明了间充质干细胞(MSC)除了具有向成骨、软骨、脂肪、肌肉等组织多向分化功能外,还具有的免疫调节功能可以用于治疗包括如类风湿关节炎(RA)、多发硬化症(MS)等
【摘 要】高校新生党员数量逐年增多,如何有效地实现新生党员的教育和管理成为高校学生党建工作中的一项重要课题。本文针对高校新生党员的现状进行调研,对存在的问题进行原因分析,探讨加强新生党员教育与管理工作的对策。  【关键词】高校新生党员;现状;对策  2012年1月,胡锦涛总书记在中纪委第七次全会上专门对“保持党的纯洁性”发表讲话,一个多月后,习近平同志在中央党校春季开学典礼上再提“党的纯洁性”问题