
来源 :高中数学教与学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhdbbc
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有效教学一直以来都是我们每个老师努力追求的目标.笔者自2008年参加工作以来,回想自己的教学工作发现问题挺多.作为数学教师,自己感到很困惑:教师教得这么累,学生学得这么苦,为什么效果却不尽人意呢?经过几番认真思考分析,发现我们在教学中有很多无效的或低效的教学行为.课堂教学是学生获取知识、提高技能的主要途径,按照新课程标准的要求,如何充分利用课堂的每一分钟,避免有限的课堂教学时间的流失,提 Effective teaching has always been the goal that every one of our teachers is striving for. Since I joined the work in 2008, I have found that my teaching work has found a lot of problems. As a math teacher, I feel very confused: teachers are so tired of teaching students So bitter, and why the effect is unsatisfactory? After several careful thinking and analysis, we found that there are many in teaching invalid or inefficient teaching behavior. Classroom teaching is the main way for students to acquire knowledge and improve skills, according to the new How to make full use of every minute of class to avoid the loss of limited classroom teaching time
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The government will focus on curbing inflation and preventing the economy from overheating The Central Economic Work Conference was held in Beijing on December
Back in ancient China as early as the times ofYin Shang more than three thousand and sevenhundred years ago,there were already organizedmeans of communication
通过滴定结果,论证了分别用中性红和酚酞作指示剂检测硫酸和硫酸铵,能准确测定电解液中硫酸和硫酸铵的含量。同时介绍了实际操作时的注意事项. Through the titration resul