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中国远古就有大禹殚精竭虑治水的传说,东方文化的特质正是在理水过程中逐渐形成的。鲁迅著名的《故事新编》里,就有《理水》一章。 每年七八月份,随着炎夏来临,随着洪波涌起,整个中国大地都会被水情或旱情牵动——从中医的角度,我们仍属“水火不调”的国度。 古人常盼“河清”、“河晏”。古人没想到,今人的希望已返回根本——“河流”!多少河道已聚成沙丘,无水可流。 中国是缺水的,但我们更应明白:中国也是费水的! 中国糟糕的水环境固然有外部原因,但人为因素起了相当大作用,而水资源的落后管理、功能失调则负有直接责任—— 中国按流域水量、水质、水文环境的统一管理至今尚未建立; 中国至今尚未实行对地下水使用的统一规划和监管; 中国城市污水处理率不足5%; 全民节水意识亟待培养…… 一个低效的管理系统,面对巨大的问题,无力选出最优解决方案,于是,修水库、跨流域调水便成为政治层面各种利益考量后的选择。 面对年年如期而至的水灾,我们依然在依靠传统农业社会中行之有效的“大动员”进行应急性解决。行洪区的人民不得不成为“舍家为国”的群体,而他们理应得到补偿,目前还缺乏足够的法侓保护。 在2003年的这个夏天,我们有理由——向更先进的技术要水;向科学高效的管理要水;我们有理由在理水之中,期待新人与新治。 我们将构筑一个和谐的未来水世界。 In ancient China, there was a legend that Dayu wanted to control water. The characteristic of oriental culture was gradually formed in the process of managing water. Lu Xun’s famous “new story”, there is “Li Shui” chapter. In July and August of each year, with the advent of the summer, with the surging waves, the entire Chinese land will be affected by water regimes or drought - from the perspective of the Chinese medicine practitioners, we are still in a “hot and cold water” country. The ancients often hope “River”, “River Yan.” The ancients did not think that today’s hope has returned to fundamental - “river”! How many rivers have been gathered into sand dunes, water can flow. China is short of water, but we should understand that China is also a waste of water! Although there are external reasons for China’s poor water environment, human factors play a significant role. However, backward management and dysfunctional water resources have direct consequences Responsibility - The unified management of China’s water resources, water quality and hydrological environment has not been established yet. China has not yet implemented a unified planning and regulation on the use of groundwater. The urban sewage treatment rate in China is less than 5%. Inefficient management system, in the face of huge problems, unable to choose the best solution, so repair the reservoir, inter-basin water transfer has become the choice of various political interests after consideration. In the face of the floods that hit the horizon every year, we still rely on the “big mobilization” that has been effective in traditional agricultural societies for emergency solutions. People in the floodwaters have to become “homes for the country” groups, and they deserve compensation. At present, there is still not enough legal protection. In this summer of 2003, we have reason to demand water from more advanced technologies, scientific and efficient water management, and we have reason to look forward to new entrants and new governance among the prudent rivers. We will build a harmonious future water world.
我是一个活泼向上的女孩 ,处在花一样的时代。小时候 ,没有受过挫折 ,以至于没有承受困难的勇气 ;长大了 ,没有经过坎坷 ,以至于不会坚持到底 ;后来 ,没有走过艰辛与磨难 ,以
无需追寻 ,无需祈盼 ,其实它就在你身边环绕……———题记一小溪 ,无声地流淌着 ,没有湖泊绚丽的色彩 ,没有江水磅薄的气势 ,更没有大海宽大的身躯 ,但它是最美的 ,秀丽而不
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