Chemometric analysis of femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy data:Study of the photochromis

来源 :Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huxiaoshenshan2010
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Chemometric methods are applied for the purpose of extracting relevant information from transient absorption spectroscopy data probing the photochromism of molecules from the family of salicylidene aniline. The process consists of an ultrafast excited state intramolecular proton transfer occurring from an enol form which is then followed by a cis-trans isomerization to finally reach a trans-keto photo-product. This work focuses on the potential of combining multivariate curve resolution for modeling pure profiles and two dimensional correlation spectroscopy data analysis for providing information on the dynamics of spectral features. The results obtained for one derivative of salicylidene aniline provide information regarding the number of species created after the proton transfer and characterization of their absorption spectra and their kinetics in the picosecond time scale. The spectral resolution of two cis-keto* forms is proposed for the first time. It is also found that both cis-keto* species are involved in the formation of the trans-keto photo-product. The main precursor of the trans-keto photo-product is the cis-keto* form which has the shortest characteristic time. Chemometric methods are applied for the purpose of extracting relevant information from transient absorption spectroscopy data probing the photochromism of molecules from the family of salicylidene aniline. The process consists of an ultrafast excited state intramolecular proton transfer occurring from an enol form which is followed by a This work focuses on the potential of combining multivariate curve resolution for modeling pure profiles and two dimensional correlation spectroscopy data analysis for providing information on the dynamics of spectral features. The results obtained for one derivative of salicylidene aniline provide information regarding the number of species created after the proton transfer and characterization of their absorption spectra and their kinetics in the picosecond time scale. The spectral resolution of two cis-keto * forms is proposed for the first time. It is also found that both cis- keto * species are involved in the formation of the trans-keto photo-product. The main precursor of the trans-keto photo-product is the cis-keto * form which has the shortest characteristic time.
“感人心者,莫先乎情。”一篇作文,要想拨动读者的心弦,充满真情是必不可少的。如果文中无情,冷冷冰冰,那就会令人读来如同嚼蜡,索然无味。  情感是人受外界刺激所产生的心理反应,包括喜、怒、忧、思、悲、恐、惊等多个方面。“真挚”是真诚恳切的意思。也就是说,同学们在作文中表达的情感必须发自内心,抒发的是真情,而不是无病呻吟。  如何才能让自己的作文充满真情,动人心弦呢?  一、感情真挚需要拒绝做作  情
化归思想  化归思想常见的五种类型:  1. 在解方程和方程組中的应用.通过消元将二元一次方程组转化为一元一次方程;通过降次把一元二次方程转化为一元一次方程;通过去分母把分式方程转化为整式方程.  2. 多边形化为三角形.解决平行四边形、正多边形的问题可通过添加辅助线转化为全等三角形、等腰三角形、直角三角形去解决.  3. 立体图形转化为平面图形.立体图形的展开与折叠、立体图形的三视图等体现了立体
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成长似一串风铃,轻轻摇曳,优美的歌声便流连于心灵的湖畔。你们的陪伴与关爱像跳跃的音符,谱写成我一路向前的幸福乐章。  爱似琴音  夜幕降临,淡淡的风吹过,划出春天的痕迹。我强睁着疲惫的双眼,在书桌上奋笔疾书。书旁是你精心准备的牛奶,散发着诱人的气息,我无暇顾及,毫不停息地转动着手中的笔。清冽的月光如水般倾泻,阵阵疲倦涌上心头。终于,我合上早已朦胧的双眼,伏在桌上小憩。依稀间,听到你轻推开房门的声音
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