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一、台湾经验:是橱窗,也是水晶球在中国两岸关系发展的长河中,对大陆来说,台湾很像一面“橱窗”。虽然人口、幅员与政经发展不同,但台湾也展示着华人社会在制度、价值、文化发展上方方面面的可能性。自大陆改革开放以来,不管是宪政设计、民刑法制的建立、经济发展的方略乃至流行文化的精致化,等等,都有许多地方参酌了台湾的经验,为大陆在发展的道路上避开错误提供了资讯。中共十八大四中全会已经召开,这是首度以“依法治国”为主题的全会。 First, Taiwan’s experience: It is a window, but also a crystal ball In the long history of the development of cross-Strait relations in China, for the mainland, Taiwan resembles one “window.” Although the population, size and political and economic development are different, Taiwan also shows the possibility of Chinese society in all aspects of system, value and cultural development. Since the reform and opening up to the Mainland, many places have taken into consideration Taiwan’s experience in the design of constitutional government, the establishment of a people’s court criminal law system, the strategy of economic development and even the pop culture. Many have avoided the development of the mainland on the road to development Error provided information. The Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee has been convened. This is the first plenary meeting to be held on the theme of “governing the country by law”.
为积极贯彻落实科学发展观,加快广东省水泥行业结构调整,2009年4月28日,安徽海螺水泥股份有限公司与广东阳春市人民政府签署广东阳春海螺水泥项 In order to actively imple
法国图卢兹的 BTS 工业公司正在寻求200万欧元(257万美元)资助,将一种水基复合材料尽快投入市场。这是一种技术突破,该材料可代替钛,因它有独特的热稳定性,可用在近发动机的
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本刊讯(记者高玉冰)2009年6月8日,深圳市南山商业文化区海印长城一楼,锣鼓喧天、双狮并舞,在一片鲜花与掌声中,深圳·李白视界首家视光中心开业庆典隆重举行。亲临现场祝 (R
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