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以江苏盐城国家级自然保护区核心区为研究区域,分别于盐蒿滩、互花米草滩、光滩采集大型底栖动物沙蚕、泥螺和四角蛤蜊样品,测定其体内重金属Hg,As,Cd,Cr,Cu,Pb,Zn和Ni含量,并运用统计分析、金属污染指数(MPI)、单因子污染指数(P_i)、生物-沉积物累积因子(BSAF)进行分析。结果表明,重金属元素在各类底栖动物体内的含量分布不同,Cd在光滩四角蛤蜊中富集最多,Zn在互花米草滩沙蚕中富集最多,Hg,As,Cr,Cu,Pb和Ni均在光滩泥螺体内富集最多。盐蒿沙蚕、米草沙蚕、光滩泥螺和光滩蛤蜊MPI值分别为1.984,2.085,4.320和1.618。泥螺受污染程度最重,超出沙蚕和四角蛤蜊的2倍。沙蚕、四角蛤蜊体内Zn的积累量、泥螺体内As和Cu的积累量均高于沉积物。按照海洋贝类生物质量标准中的第一类指标对样品进行生物质量评价,发现研究区泥螺体内Cr,Cu和Pb含量均超过此标准,尤以Pb超标最为严重,污染指数P_i值达7.628。四角蛤蜊生物质量总体良好,除Cd和Cr超标,分别为海洋贝类质量标准的1.812倍和1.408倍外,其余元素均未超过标准。方差分析显示不同大型底栖动物种类对重金属的富集能力差别较大。生物类型比环境背景对重金属在生物体内的富集影响更大。研究区泥螺和四角蛤蜊体内的多数重金属元素含量低于国内其他区域的同种底栖动物。 Taking the core area of ​​Yancheng National Nature Reserve in Jiangsu Province as the research area, samples of macrozoobenthos, slug and tetraploid clam were collected from Yancao Beach, Spartina alterniflora and Guangtan respectively. The contents of Hg, As, The contents of Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn and Ni were calculated and analyzed by means of statistical analysis, metal pollution index (MPI), single factor pollution index (P_i) and bio - sediment accumulation factor (BSAF) The results showed that the contents of heavy metals in different species of benthic animals were different. Cd was the most abundant in the clams of Litopenaeus vannamei. Zn was enriched in Spartina alterniflora and Hg, As, Cr, Cu, Pb And Ni are the most abundant in the light beach snail body. Artemisia selengensis, A. mongolicum, M. capitatum and M. gramineus had MPI values ​​of 1.984, 2.085, 4.320 and 1.618 respectively. Mud snail the most polluted, exceeding the sandworm and four corners clams 2 times. The accumulations of Zn in A. moll and T. angustifolia and the accumulation of As and Cu in B. vulgaris were higher than those in sediment. According to the first group of marine shellfish biological quality indicators of the biological indicators of the sample quality evaluation found that the snail body in the study area Cr, Cu and Pb content exceeded this standard, especially in the most serious excessive Pb, pollution index P value of 7.628 . The clam biological quality is generally good, with the exception of excessive cadmium and chromium, which are respectively 1.812 times and 1.408 times the quality standards of marine shellfish, the other elements did not exceed the standard. Analysis of variance showed that the species of macrobenthos differed greatly in their ability to enrich heavy metals. The biological type has a greater impact on the enrichment of heavy metals in the organism than the environmental background. Most of the heavy metal elements in the snails and tetrapods in the study area were lower than the same species of zoobenthos in other areas in China.
摘 要: 高分子材料行业的发展对具有实践创新能力的专业人才有着迫切需求,而专业实习作为提高学生实践能力的重要环节,其效果受制于学生与企业之间的陌生感。针对此问题,本文论及了ISO管理体系对于高分子材料专业实习的辅助作用,其搭建了学生与实习企业的联系纽带,较好地增强了实践实习效果,进而提出在专业实习环节开设ISO管理体系讲座的必要性。  关键词: ISO管理体系 专业实习 辅助作用