Male, 58 years old, cadre, hospital number 21068. March 7, 1985 due to coma with limbs convulsions 1 hour admission. Patients usually no health, no urological diseases, no similar history, no “more than a few” symptoms of diabetes. But there is more water, drink tea, nocturnal urination and more. March 4 to 5, self-serving Xiaoke Pills, 10 pills each time, 3 times a day a total of 6 times. 6th, that is, dizzy, limb weakness, to a hospital for treatment, check urine (-), Zhuangfang 7 morning check fasting blood glucose, did not give any drugs. Immediately after urination at 1 am on the 7th fainted unconsciously, limbs and convulsions, that is carried into the hospital. Physical examination: body temperature 36.8 ℃, breathing 20 times, pulse 64 times, blood pressure 140/90. Normal development, moderate nutrition, deep coma. Neck soft, double pupil and other round, diameter 2mm, unresponsive to light, mouth unbiased, symmetrical nasolabial fold, lung smear phonation, heart Qi, heart rate 64 beats / min, no noise, abdominal soft, , Bowel normal. Ankylosing twitching limbs, no hemiplegia. Pathological reflex (-). Laboratory tests: X-ray, no cranial