Oncofertility in adolescent and young adult hereditary cancer: Considerations for genetics professio

来源 :World Journal of Medical Genetics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oooweizhano
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Adolescents and young adults(AYA)with a cancer diagnosis or those at risk for cancer due to hereditary cancer syndromes may benefit from genetic counseling and testing not only to manage personal risk but also to address reproductive concerns,especially fertility.The opportunity for genetic counselors to provide important risk information is relevant to both the newly diagnosed as well as to unaffected carriers and survivors.However,genetic counselors may need additional training in reproductive options related to AYA cancer to provide this valuable counsel.This commentary uses hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome as a model to highlight important considerations when discussing preimplanatation genetic diagnosis and prenatal diagnosis,particularly in the context of expanded testing for hereditary cancer risk including multigene panels or whole exome or whole genome sequencing.Other hereditary cancers are also addressed;however,less is known about the psychosocial and fertility concerns in these AYA populations.Additionally,we provide an overview of the concept of“oncofertility”-the linkage between cancer care and reproductive medicine that aims to expand the reproductive opportunities of cancer patients-and offer support for the expansion of guidelines to include genetic counselors in AYA cancer patients’treatment planning related to reproductive health and fertility. Adolescents and young adults (AYA) with a cancer diagnosis or those at risk for cancer due to hereditary cancer syndromes may benefit from genetic counseling and testing not only to manage personal risk but also to address reproductive concerns, especially fertility. Opportunity for genetic counselors to provide important risk information is relevant to both the newly diagnosed as well as to unaffected carriers and survivors.However, genetic counselors may need additional training in reproductive options related to AYA cancer to provide this valuable counsel. This commentary uses hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome as a model to highlight important considerations when discussing preimplanatation genetic diagnosis and prenatal diagnosis, particularly in the context of expanded testing for hereditary cancer risk including multigene panels or whole exome or whole genome sequencing. Yet hereditary cancers are also addressed; however, less is known about the psychosocial and fertility concerns in these AYA populations. Additionally, we provide an overview of the concept of “oncofertility ” - the linkage between cancer care and reproductive medicine that aims to expand the reproductive opportunities of cancer patients-and offer support for the expansion of guidelines to include genetic counselors in AYA cancer patients’treatment planning related to reproductive health and fertility.
一只木桶,其存水量的多少,不取决于最长的那块木板,而取决于最短的那块木板。这就是管理学中的“木桶原理”。这一理论,对于班主任做好班级管理工作,很有启迪作用。  一个班级,总是由几十名学生组成,正如组成木桶的木板有长有短一样,组成班级的学生也有“长”有“短”,因此,要建立优秀班集体,达到整体优化的目的,作为班级管理的主导者,班主任必须分清学生群体中的“长板”和“短板”,然后采取科学的方法,把“短板”
“活到老,学到老”。学习对每个人来说,都是永恒的主题。对于我们教育工作者来说,更是工作和生活的重要内容。我是一名来自教学一线的普通教师,平时爱好写作,单位派我参加《江西教育》第四届全省通讯员、作者培训班,向专家、编辑们取经,无疑对于我今后的专业成长有着很大的帮助。因此,我在培训过程中,竖起双耳认真听,对于精彩之处和要点,我都及时作好记录,及时用相机拍下课堂上展示的课件。  参加完培训后,我们各自回
今年暑假,《江西教育》编辑部在安徽天柱山举行了第四届全省通讯员、作者培训班。这是我第二次参加这项活动。  记得去年在庐山培训时,江西教育学院的叶存洪教授给我们讲授了如何写好教育日志,鼓励我们写教育日志,并与同事分享。自从那次培训之后,我就开始在QQ空间里写日志。以前,我QQ空间里的日志都是转载别人的,从未自己写过。所以,我刚开始写日志有点像记流水账,渐渐地,我又把这些“流水账”加工一下,使得看上去
研究目的:   恶性肿瘤严重危害人类健康,其死亡人数约占世界总死亡人数的四分之一,且死亡率常年居高不下。目前用于恶性肿瘤治疗的手段主要包括手术、化疗、放疗、内分泌治疗