Inhibition of dengue virus replication by diisopropyl chrysin-7-yl phosphate

来源 :Science China(Life Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eyx001
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Dengue fever is a tropical disease and caused by dengue virus(DENV), which is transmitted by mosquitoes and infects about 400 million people annually. With the development of international trade and travel, China is facing a growing threat. Over 40 thousands of people were infected during the 2014 DENV outbreak in Guangdong. Neither licensed vaccine nor therapeutic drug has been available. In this report, we isolated two clinical DENV strains. The full-length genome was sequenced and characterized. We also applied a flavonoid, CPI, into an anti-DENV assay. Replication of viral RNA and expression of viral protein was all strongly inhibited. These results indicated that CPI may serve as potential protective agents in the treatment of patients with chronic DENV infection. Dengue fever is a tropical disease and caused by dengue virus (DENV), which is transmitted by mosquitoes and infects about 400 million people annually. With the development of international trade and travel, China is facing a growing threat. Over 40 thousands of people were infected during the 2014 DENV outbreak in Guangdong. Neither licensed vaccine nor therapeutic drug has been available. In this report, we isolated two clinical DENV 株. The full-length genome was sequenced and characterized. We also applied a flavonoid, CPI, into an anti-DENV assay. Replication of viral RNA and expression of viral protein was all strongly inhibited. These results indicated that CPI may serve as potential protective agents in the treatment of patients with chronic DENV infection.
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