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A natural gas leakage detector based on scanned-wavelength direct absorption spectroscopy is described. The sensor employs a multi-channel scanned-wavelength direct absorption strategy. It has the potential to simultaneously monitor methane and hydrogen sulfide in open path environment. Traditionally, scanned wavelength direct absorption spectroscopy is the technique choice for natural gas leakage applications because of its simplicity, accuracy, and stability. We perform the gas sensor using direct-absorption wavelength scans with isolated features at 1-kHz repetition rate and the center wavelength is stabilized at the center of the 2 \nu 3 band R(3) line of methane (1.65 \mu m) and the (\nu 1 \nu 2 \nu 3) combination band of hydrogen sulfide (1.57 \mu m), respectively. The influence of light intensity fluctuations can be eliminated by using scanned-wavelength direct absorption spectroscopy. Because of the fast wavelength scanning, the sensor has a response time of less than 0.1 s. The sensor can be configured to sense leakages in path-integrated concentrations of, for example, 100-ppm·m hydrogen sulfide and 10-ppm·m methane.
可见光通信具有绿色、节能、成本低等优点, 比较适合应用于室内定位。提出一种基于可见光通信的自适应混合蛙跳室内定位算法, 该算法通过到达时间(TOA)算法和最小二乘算法进行初始定位, 得到未知定位点的估计位置解集, 再利用自适应混合蛙跳算法搜索未知定位点的最优位置。该算法具有较强的全局搜索能力, 不易陷入局部最优, 能够得到较高精度的定位结果。仿真结果表明, 该算法比传统TOA定位算法的定位误差小, 说明该算法提高了室内定位的精度。
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用一块6.5×9×20(长度)mm KTP晶体获得625nm~3575nm的皮秒可调谐激光.能量转换效率高达30%,最大信号光峰值功率34MW.
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The use of anesthetics is a well-known treatment for severely injured patients. In the present study we tested the pathophysiology of several levels of injury damage in a rat model and also tested the effect of Equithesin on brain vitality in these models