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Case HistoryLiu, a male patient of 48 years old, was the manager of a company in Beijing. The date of his first visit was 11th May, 1998.
Primary osteoporosis, a commonly encountered metabolic bone disease in the postmenopausal women and the aged people, can be classified by mod medicine into pos
1 病例报告rn患儿男,2010年9月25日出生,11月5日于右上臂肌内接种第2剂重组乙型肝炎疫苗(酿酒酵母)(Hepatitis B Vaccine Made by Recombinant Deaxyribonucleic Acid Techni
How to Apply the Multiple Needling in Acupuncture Treatment?rnIn Intal Classic (内经), there are quite a lot pieces of writing recording the various acupunctur
目的 总结腮腺炎的超声声像图特点,提高临床诊断的符合率.方法 回顾与临床诊断相符合的20例病例,临床资料与超声声像图相结合.结果 20例中双侧腮腺肿大12例,单侧肿大4例,4例
Fifty-seven cases of nephrotic syndrome were treated with TCM decoctions as accessory treatment for prednisone and cyclophosphamide, and the effects were observ
目的 探讨高频超声检查肝包膜及近包膜肝组织对诊断早期肝硬化的临床价值.方法 经手术病理证实的36例肝硬化患者为病变组,以同期手术治疗而临床无阳性发现的非肝硬化患者24例
31 cases of atherosclerosis (AS) were treated with Jiang Zhi Tong Mai Fang (降脂通脉方, formula of JZTMF), and its effect was compared with 30 cases treated wit
Objective: To investigate the efficacy of Zhongyan-2 Recipe (ZY-2), a recipe consisting of Chinese herbal medicine. Methods: Twenty-nine HIV-infected patients w