Synthesis of Calix[4]resorcinarene Amide Derivatives

来源 :中国化学快报:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laner12
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Three different synthetic routes were developed to introduce carbamoyloxy functional groups at the upper periphery of two calix[4]resorcinarenes. By treating activated esters 2a-b with excess corresponding amine such as 3-(dimethylamino)propylamine 3, ct-
Stable films made from chitosan (CS) on pyrolytic graphite electrode (PGE) gave direct electrochemistry for incorporated enzyme nitrate reductase (NR).Cyclic vo
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该文针对摄入醋酸菌对于酒精性肝损伤的影响进行了评价。将C57BL/6J小鼠(8周龄,雄性,22~27 g)分为对照组(非乙醇给药组)、乙醇组(给予2.5 g/kg乙醇)、乙醇+醋酸菌组(给予2.5
厨房不仅是一个制造美味的地方,它还有个新用途,那就是用来治病。别看很多东西都不起眼,可是,一有个头疼脑热的,还真能派上用场,而且没有副作用,像洋葱、土豆、燕麦等这些我们每天吃的食物不仅充饥裹腹,均具备着特殊的防病治病作用。应该说,以食物来防病治病,成了现今保持健康的一条捷径。因此,我们特向你推荐以下各种“食物医生”。    啤酒—→心脏病  啤酒可以美容已不是什么新闻了,但啤酒可以减少患心脏病的可
The multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) electrode was constructed using polytetrafluoroethylene as binder, and the electrochemical reductive behavior of oxyge
Most of the mercury and selenium exist in the insoluble fraction of dolphin liver. After the insoluble fraction was digested by alkaline protease in the presenc
醋是中国人的发明,但是有统计数字表明,我国食醋人均消费量只是日本的1/3,美国的1/2。而盐的摄入中国人要明显高于日本人和美国人。这种情况确实需要改变,我们应该在生活中再加点醋!    夏季是各种细菌孳生的季节,毒素易在体内聚集。高温天气还很容易让人觉得浑身乏力、免疫能力下降。吃凉拌菜或炒菜时加点醋,不仅使菜肴味道更鲜美,而且还能起到杀菌消毒的作用,有效地避免肠胃道病菌的传染。     食醋好处多
Four new neo-lignans were isolated from the chloroform portion of 70% ethanol extract of the seed crusts of Trewia nudiflora L., and were determined to be 9′-m