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  1. Observe
  【疑难分析】 observe为高考考纲内词汇,高考对它的考查主要集中于通过与其同义词watch, see, notice之间的词义辨析,从而更准确的理解和运用这个词。
  【归纳点拨】 observe作“观察”解时,侧重于指“仔细,有目的看”。后接省略to的不定式或现在分词作宾语补足语。
  (1) It’s interesting to_____ the reaction of the children to these changes.
  A. watch B. observe C. glare D. stare
  (2) Galileo was greatly interested in_____ the movement of the stars.
  A. noticing B. seeing
  C. looking at D. observing
  2. What if ...?
  【疑难分析】 What if ...?是一种省略结构。在英语中,有时为了避免重复,突出新信息并使上下文紧密连接,常可采用省略结构,从而使语言更加生动。例如,What for?How / What about 后接名词词组 / -ing分词等都是省略句式。
  【归纳点拨】 What if ...?作“如果……怎么办?”或“即使……又有什么要紧”解,有时也可意为“如果……会怎么样”,究竟是什么意思要看上下文,它是英语口语的用法,后面常接一个句子。例如:
  Child, I didn’t like to have you going boating in such broken weather. What if a storm should come up?孩子,我不想让你在这样变化无常的天气去划船,要是来了风暴怎么办?
  What if he does not come? We can do without him.他不来又有什么打紧的?没有他,我们照样没问题。
  What / how about ...?作“怎么样”解,是英语口语,用于征求别人的意见,表示“这样做你以为如何?”后面接名词或动名词。例如:
  What about going to visit him?到那里去看看他怎么样?
  What for?用于提问,作“为什么,什么理由”解。例如:
  A: I get up at five every morning.我每天早上5时起床。
  B: What for?为什么?
  (1) —Susan, will you please go and empty that drawer?
   —_____ ?
  A. What for B. What is it
  C. How is it D. How come
  (2)_____ we move the picture over there? Do you think it will look better ?_____
  A. How about B. What if
  C. What for D. If
  3. present
  【疑难分析】 对“present”的学习,首先要掌握它的词性。这个词可以充当名词,也可作形容词和动词,尤其是充当形容词作前置定语和后置定语或表语时,其意思完全不同,这一点学生易于疏忽。
  【归纳点拨】 present充当形容词用时,作表语或后置定语,其意思是“出现的,出席的,到场的”;作前置定语时,其意思为“现在的;目前的;现有的。”例如:
  All the people present at the party were his supporters.参加聚会的人都是他的支持者。
  present充当动词时,意思是“赠送;颁发;呈现,描述。”特殊句式present sb. with sth. = present sth. to sb. (赠送某人某物)。例如:
  I presented a beautiful album to Mary when she had a birthday.当玛丽过生日时我送给她一份精美相册。
  present n. 意思是“礼物,赠品;现在(时刻)”,注意由present所构成的短语。例如:
  at present = at the present time (现在;目前;眼下);for the present =for the time being (暂时,暂且);be present at(出席),其反义词组be absent from(缺席)
  (1) When Mr Brown left the firm, the director_____ him with a gold watch.
  A. offered B. gave
  C. introduced D. presented
  (2) What worries the people most is that_____is very serious.
  A. the situation at the present
  B. the present situation
  C. the situation at the present
  D. the situation presenting
  4. difficulty
  【疑难分析】 对difficulty考查往往结合“have difficulty (in) doing sth.”这一结构来考查,考查的形式是把difficulty 当作先行词考查定语从句和非谓语动词。由于学生对句子结构不能灵活运用,而对此类题目倍感困惑。
  【归纳点拨】 difficulty n. (c / u)意为“困难,难事”。由它构成的句型“have difficulty (in) doing sth.”表示“做某事很困难”,类似的结构还有“have trouble in doing sth.”;“have a hard time in doing sth.”;“There is no point in doing sth.”(做某事没有作用或意义。)等。
  (1) What difficulty do you have_____ mathematics?____________________
  A. to learn B. learning
  C. learned D. learn
  (2) The difficulty we have_____ the environment is_____ people have a poor sense.
  A. protected; 不填 B. in protecting; what
  C. to protect; that D. protecting; that
  5. disappoint
  【疑难分析】 disappoint v.意为“使……失望,使……受挫折,”其过去分词为“disappointed”(失望的)和现在分词disappointing (令人失望的),类似它的词有excited, exciting,interested, interesting, puzzled, puzzling, surprised, surprising, tired, tiring等,都是对非谓语动词考查的热点,但大多数学生对这类词的运用不能正确把握,因而成为学生学习的难点。
  【归纳点拨】 分词有两种,即现在分词和过去分词,这两种分词在句子中能担任的成分大体相同,主要是在意思上有主动被动之分,现在分词一般有主动的意思,过去分词一般有被动的意思。例如:disappointing results (令人失望的结果);an exciting voice (令人兴奋的声音);an excited voice(兴奋的声音);a puzzling look(令人迷惑不解的表情);a puzzled look (困惑的表情)
  (1)_____ and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize.
  A. Surprising B. Surprised
  C. Being surprised_____D. to be surprising
  (2) A good story does not necessarily have to have a happy ending, but the reader must not be left_____.
  A. unsatisfied B. unsatisfying
  C. to be unsatisfying D. being unsatisfied
  6. A is to B what C is to D. (A对B而言正如C对D一样。)
  【疑难分析】 在A is to B what C is to D.这一句型结构中,学生感到棘手的是如何划分句子成分,不明白what在其中的句法功能,这是一个难点。其实,what是一个连接代词,引导一个表语从句,并且在从句中充当“be”动词的表语。此类题目的设置要求学生对名词性从句的语法知识掌握要牢固并能就具体的语境做出正确的判断。
  【归纳点拨】 what作连接代词,引导名词性从句,在从句中可以充当主语,宾语或表语。例如:
  Air is to us what water is to fish.空气对我们的作用和水对鱼的作用一样。(what引导表语从句,并在从句中作表语。)
  A net is to a fisherman what a gun is to a hunter.网对渔夫的作用跟枪对猎人的作用一样。
  He wondered what his wife would probably say. (what引导宾语从句并在从句中作宾语)
  What you have done might do harm to others. (what引导主语从句并在从句中作宾语)
  He had no idea what the children were interested in. (what引导同位语从句)
  (1) Our industry today is very different from_____ it was 20 years ago.
  A. what B. which C. that D. where
  (2) A computer can only do_____ you have instructed it to do.
  A. how B. after C. what D. when
  7. belong to
  【疑难分析】 对“belong to”这个短语的掌握要记住两点。其一,不能用于进行时态,因为它本身含有动作持续的含义;其二,此短语无被动语态。
  【归纳点拨】 belong to表示“属(于);是……成员”,其中to是介词,后接名词或代词的宾格形式。例如:
  This umbrella belongs to me. 这把伞是我的。
  What party do you belong to?你是哪一党的党员?
  lead to (通向,导致);stick to (坚持);get used to / get accustomed to (习惯于);look forward to (展望);get down to (认真做某事);see to (着手办理);devote…to (致力于;投身于);contribute to(有助于;捐助;给……投稿); adjust to / adapt to (适合); refer to (提到);object to (反对)等,其后接名词或动名词。
  (1) China is a country_____ to the third world.
  A. belongs B. belonged
  C. to belong D. belonging
  (2) What led you to_____ the opportunity to go abroad?
  A. give up B. give in
  C. throwing away D. give away
  8. loneliness
  【归纳点拨】 lonely adj. 用作表语表示“寂寞的”,有较浓厚的感情色彩,指因缺少朋友、同情、友情时所产生的一种悲伤的和忧郁的感情。用作定语表示“孤单的;荒凉的”。
  alone adj. 通常作表语,意思是“独自一人,无其他人”。用作定语时,须放在它所修饰的名词后面,意思是“仅仅,唯一,只有”,相当于only。例如:
  The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of world history. 人民,只有人民,才是创造世界历史的动力。
  类似alone常充当表语的形容词有:afraid, awake, asleep, alive, ashamed, alike等。
  (1) Though the old man was_____ in the house, he wasn’t feeling a bit_____.
  (2) Robinson Crusoe lived_____on the_____
  island for many years.
  9. call up
  【疑难分析】 在英语中,常把介词或副词置于某些动词之后,以取得各种不同的含义。纵观历年高考题,不难看出,对于动词短语的考查特别注重动词短语的语义辨析。因此,学生们应不断阅读,在阅读过程中不断积累,从而提高自己使用动词短语的能力。
  【归纳点拨】 call up “召集,提出,使人想起;打电话给”。call in “邀请,请来”。call for “要求”;“需要”;“接(人或物)”。call off “取消”。call on “号召;拜访”。
  (1) His aunt’s letters_____ him_____ of those beautiful days when they used to live together in his hometown.
  (2) The situation_____ immediate action.
  (3) You’d better_____ your friends to help you.
  (4) The meeting to be held tomorrow has been_____.
  10. come into being
  【疑难分析】 在英语语法规则中,有些动词短语表特定意思时只能充当不及物动词,不能接名词或代词作其宾语,因而也就没有被动语态形式,但大多数学生深受汉语母语的影响,每遇到这一类动词短语总会出差错。例如:
  “China has taken place great changes in the past 20 years.”
  正确译法应是:“Great changes have taken place in China in the past 20 years.”类似这样的例子不胜枚举。为了避免类似错误,要特别注意语言现象的典型性和差异性。
  【归纳点拨】 come into being表示“(事物,局面)形成;产生;成立”,不能用于被动语态中。例如:
  Romanticism didn’t come into being until in the late 18th century in Europe.浪漫主义运动直到18世纪末期才产生于欧洲。
  由“come into + 名词”的常见短语有:come into effect(开始生效);come into use(开始使用);come into power(上台;开始执政);come into fashion(开始流行);come into view (进入视野;被看得见)等都不能用被动语态形式。另外,下列动词短语也通常不用于被动语态中,例如:
  take place (发生;举行);occur to (发生);come out (出版,发行);come up (被提出);belong to (属于);give out (用完,耗尽);take part in (参加);happen to (发生,降落到);suffer from (遭受);agree with (同意);break down (坏了,出故障);break out (爆发)等。
  (1) The new law came into_____ last week and those who break it will be punished.
  A. being B. power C. effectD. view
  (2) The computer system_____ suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.
  A. broke down B. was broken down
  C. broke out D. was broken out
  11. remain
  【疑难分析】 remain为高考备考热点词汇,高考对它的考查主要集中于remain后加不定式时的语态的选择;remain作为联系动词时所加表语的形式选择及分词作定语这三点。
  【归纳点拨】 remain常与不定式连用,此时不定式多用被动语态,学生们易依据翻译错选用主动语态。例如:
  What he said remains to be proved.
  The last point remains to be cleared up.
  He ate much but remained thin.
  You remain unchanged after all.
  The temperature remained above 39℃.
  Now, there is the remaining three dollars.
  (1) The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain_____ as the plane was making a landing.
  A. seat B. seating
  C. seated D. to be seating
  (2) Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains_____ whether they will enjoy it.
  A. to see B. to be seen
  C. seeing D. seen
  12. general
  【疑难分析】 对general的学习首先要注意由它组成的两个重要短语,即 in general(=generally 一般地;大体上)及generally speaking(“一般来说”,在句中多作插入语),更重要的是要学习 general 与 common , usual及ordinary的区别,这是记忆的难点。
  In general he is quite a satisfactory student. = Generally speaking, he is a satisfactory student.
  general, common, usual与ordinary的区别:
  common 是(几乎)所有的人或事物所共有的,普遍存在的,常见的,普通的,有“习见习闻,并不高贵”的意思,指品质时,则为“低劣的”。
  (1) The two sisters have little in_____ in their manners.
  (2) Breast cancer is the most_____ form of cancer among women in this country.
  (3) This opinion is_____ among the_____ population.
  (4) She is in an_____ dress.
  (5) This was no_____ meeting: it would change the future of the world
  13. where 引导的地点状语从句
  【疑难分析】 课文中有where 引导的地点状语从句:The city is built where two rivers come together. where 引导的地点状语从句常易与where 引导的定语从句混淆。
  【归纳点拨】 定语从句与状语从句的根本区别在于定语从句有先行词,它是用于修饰先行词的,而状语从句没有先行词,它是用于修饰主句中的谓语动词的。在定语从句中表地点时in / at which 可替代where;表时间时in / on / at which 可替代when,然而where,when引导状语从句时,不能用in /on/at which。例如:
  He works where he was born. (地点状语从句)
  He works in the city where / in which he was born. (定语从句)
  (1) Many old people like to live_____ there are many trees and flowers.
  A. in which B. in that
  C. which D. where
  (2) Please think of a situation_____ this idiom can be used.
  A. where B. which
  C. to which D. under which
  14. persuade
  【疑难分析】 对persuade的学习首先要掌握一些重要短语中的介词搭配,如:persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事(= persuade sb. into doing sth.); persuade sb. out of doing sth. 说服某人不做某事;persuade sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事。更重要的是要区别persuade与advise及suggest。
  【归纳点拨】 persuade是“说服”之意,如果说不服,劝不服则应用以下结构:
  try to persuade sb. to do sth / try to persuade sb. into doing sth/advise sb. to do sth / suggest that ... / suggest doing sth. 例如:
  I tried to persuade her to give up smoking, but she didn’t follow me. = I tried to persuade her into giving up smoking, but she didn’t follow me. = I advised her to give up smoking, but she didn’t follow me. = I suggested that she should give up smoking, but she didn’t follow me.
  (1) They didn’t agree with us at first, but in the end we_____ them into carrying out the plan.
  A. persuaded
  B. tried to persuade
  C. succeeded to persuade
  D. advised
  (2) Alice trusts you, and only you can_____ her to give up the foolish idea.
  A. suggest B. attract
  C. tempt D. persuade
  15. make the most of
  【疑难分析】 含名词的动词短语在近年来高考中频繁出现,命题人常以如下三种形式考查: 一、把名词作为先行词考查定语从句。二、 把名词作为主语考查被动词态。三、 把名词当作逻辑主语或宾语考查非谓语动词。由于学生往往对句子结构不易分清,所以此类题目成为高考题中的难中之难。
  【归纳点拨】 make the most / best of 意为“充分利用”,相当于make good / full use of,须当心此类短语常用于定语从句、被动语态及非谓语动词的考查。例如:
  Most of the audience wondered what idea a man who’s deaf from birth can have of music. (have an idea of 用于考查定语从句)
  Great efforts should be made in order to improve your spoken English. (make great efforts to do sth. 用于考查被动语态).
  In the reading-room, we found her seated at a desk, with her eyes fixed on a book.(fix one’seyes on sth. 用于考查非谓语动词)
  (1) Their demand is the good use we_____ our spare time for our study of science and technology.
  A. make from B. make of
  C. make out D. make into
  (2) In my opinion, more attention should be paid_____ the students’ abilities.
  A. to develop B. developing
  C. to developing D. in developing
  (3) Everything_____ into consideration, they ought to have another chance.
  A. to take B. taken
  C. to be taken D. taking
  16. What will life be like in the future?
  【疑难分析】 like 常用于许多句型中用来提问,比如高一上册unit 1中 What should a good friend be like ?(好朋友究竟应是什么样的?) 这些句型形式上有些相似,不易记准,是一个难点。
  【归纳点拨】 What is + 主语 + like?……是什么样子?例如:
  —What’s the weather like?
  —It’s fine.
  —What’s your teacher like?
  —He’s tall and handsome.
  What does he like?他喜欢什么?
  What does he look like?他长相如何?
  How do you like the book?你觉得这本书如何?
  What is he?他是干什么的?
  How is he?他怎么样?
  (1) —_____ ?
  _____ —he’s clever.
  A. What is he like B. How is he like
  C. How is he D. What is he
  17. judge
  【疑难分析】 judge 的分词形式judging from在句中作状语的情况是学生难以理解的,许多学生依据一般情况下分词作状语的规则而错选用judged from或judged by。 其实judged from属于悬垂分词(dangling particle)的用法,它已发展成独立结构。此结构形式固定,在句中作插入语,起评议性状语作用,学习时无须深入钻研,但须牢记几个常见的例子。
  【归纳点拨】 分词或分词短语用作状语时,它的逻辑主语一般须同句子的主语一致。否则,分词就应有自己的主语。但有些分词作状语时它的逻辑主语可以同句子的主语不一致,这种分词叫悬垂分词。常见悬垂分词有: judging from, generally / broadly speaking, considering, providing, supposing, talking of 等。例如:
  Judging from his accent, he is a southerner. 从口音判断,他是一个南方人。
  Considering his abilities, he should have done better. 从他的能力看,他本来应当做得更好。
  (1)_____ the way he spoke, I think the man must be the head of the office.
  A. Judging from B. Judged in
  C. Judged by D. To judge
   (2)_____ of travel, have you been to Athens yet?
  A. Talked B. Being talking
  C. Talk D. Talking
  (3) She’s very active,_____ her age.
  A. consider B. to consider
  C. considering D. considere
  18. be of great value
  【疑难分析】 许多学生不习惯于be 后再加上of 介词短语的用法,也不知道如何翻译此类短语,有时又易与be of a size / an age 等短语弄混淆。
  【归纳点拨】 英语里 be + of + 抽象名词往往相当于be + adj。常用此结构的短语有: (be) of great help / use / importance / effect / benefit等。例如:
  The meeting is of great importance. = The meeting is very important.
  The dictionary is of great use. = The dictionary is very useful.
  (1) 在此结构中,除了用great 修饰名词外,还可用good / much / some / little / no / any等来修饰名词。
  (2) 名词size / age / color / type / height / width / depth等也可以与of 连用,在这些名词前面有a / an / the / the same / different等词。“of the same +n.”作表语时,of常可省略。
  The two boys are_____.
  A. same weight and age
  B. of same weight and age
  C. the weight and age
  D. of the same weight and age
  19. die of
  【疑难分析】 学生普遍记不清,记不准何时选用die of及 die from 来表示死因,同时又易将之与die for / away / out / down弄混淆。
  【归纳点拨】 die of hunger / thirst / cold / old age / a disease(die of 多用于指死于内因)die from overwork / a wound / a traffic accident(die from 多用于指外因);die for freedom/one’s country(die for为……而死);die in a war/ a battle(die in 死于……中)。要记准die of 及die from 哪一个表内外因,可参考同学们熟悉的be made of /from中涉及到的内外关系的区别,它刚好与之相反,即be made of 由……组成(从外边看得见原材料),而die of是死于内因。die out (物种)灭绝;die away(声音)渐渐……消失;die down 减弱下来,平息,转弱。
  (1) It took a long time for the excitement to die_____.
  (2) This kind of animals has died_____ in the world.
  (3) The man finally died_____ heat in the desert.
  (4) We are willing to die_____ our motherland.
  (5) Many of the passengers died_____ the traffic accident.
  20. as if
  【疑难分析】 首先,as if 的学习难点在于后面的从句何时要用虚拟语气,何时不能用;其次学生们常有一个理解误区,以为这类虚拟语气从句中的谓语动词的形式与主句的时态有关。
  【归纳点拨】 英语中虚拟语气主要有四种形式:1. 虚拟条件句;2. 与命令、要求等有关的(should )do的主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句或同位语从句;3. as if, if only 从句和wish, would rather所加的宾语从句。4. 由that, so that或in order that引导的目的状语从句,其谓语常用might / may或could / can + 动词原形等虚拟结构。这类句式的谓语有三种形式:
  1. 表示主句动词之前的动作用过去完成式形式。例如:
  James wishes that he had gone abroad with his father. 詹姆士希望他和他父亲一起出国去就好了。
  Charles looks as if he had been ill for a long time. 查理看起来好像是病了很长时间。
  2. 表示与主句动词同时的动作,用过去式(be 用were)形式。例如:
  I wish I had two wings to fly to you.我恨不得长出一双翅膀马上飞到你的身边。
  I wish I were a bird 我真希望我是一只小鸟。
  They passed by as if the soldiers and the pole didn’t exist.他们走了过去,就像那些士兵和那杆子不存在一样。
  3. 表示在主句动词之后的动作,用would do 或 could do 。例如:
  I wish you wouldn’t talk like that. 我希望你不要这样说话。
  注意: as if 后有时连接陈述语气的从句,表示有根据的推测。例如:
  It looks as if it is going to rain. 天好像要下雨。
  He walked as if he were an old man. (句中虚拟语气易错成had been ... 的形式,其实句中be动词与walk的动作并无时间差)。
  He talks as if he had known it(句中虚拟语气易错成knew ... 的形式,其实句中talk与know两动作有时间先后关系。)
  (1) The two strangers talked as if they_____
  friends for years.
  A. shouldbe B. wouldbe
  C. have been D. had been
  (2) It seems as if it_____ autumn already.
  A. is B. are C. was D. were
  21. advise
  【疑难分析】 对advise的学习应掌握以下三种结构,即advise doing sth., advise sb. to do sth.及advise + that clause。接that从句时,谓语动词的构成为虚拟语气,即(should) + 动词原形。
  【归纳点拨】 当advise作“建议”讲时,与suggest后接名词、代词,动名词与that从句的结构可互换。但要注意的是advise可用于advise sb. to do sth.结构中,而suggest只能用于suggest sb. doing sth.和suggest sb.’s doing sth.结构中。这是学生在学习当中应该特别注意的地方。例如:
  I advised a good rest / leaving early / that she (should) wait. = I suggest a good rest / leaving early / that she (should) wait.
  但我们可以说I advised Mary to go with us.
  而用suggest 表达只能为I suggested Mary / Mary’s going with us.
  (1) It was dark outside. The hostess advised that we_____ inside in case of the snake.
  A. stayed B. stay C. to stay D. staying
  (2) The doctor_____ her to drink more water if she wanted to recover from the cold earlier.
  A. requested B. suggested
  C. advised D. offered
  22. be to do sth. 结构
  【疑难分析】 在高中阶段此结构最常见的意义是“表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作”,如She is to get married next month. 但在本单元出现的这个句子“If we are to develop the world successfully ...”中,此结构表示的却是一种职责和义务。
  【归纳点拨】 be to do sth. 结构还可表示以下意思:
  1. 表命令或规则。例如:
  You are to be back this afternoon.
  All prisoners are to be in bed by 10 o’clock.
  2. 表目的和用途。例如:
  The prize is to honour him with his great discovery.
  A knife is to cut with.
  3. 表可能性。例如:
  They were never to meet again.
  (1) Visitors are_____ when the bell rings.
  A. made leave B. seen to leave
  C. ordering to leave D. to leave
  (2) We are_____ meet at the school gate at six.
  A. to B. about to
  C. arranged D. planned to
  23. 倒装结构
  【疑难分析】 倒装结构是高中语法学习的难点,也是高考的热点。就近两年全国各省市试卷中,对倒装结构的考查就有18道题。由此可见该结构的重要性。
  【归纳点拨】 结合近两年的高考试题来看,倒装结构主要侧重于以下方面:
  1. 表方式或方位的副词或介词短语,如here, there, now, then, up, down, in, out, away, off, in the room, on the wall 等置于句首。例如:
  Here comes the bus.
  In the dark forests lie many lakes, some large enough to hold several English towns. (2005辽宁)
  At the foot of the mountain lies a village. (2006四川)
  2. only所修饰的副词,介词短语或状语从句放在句首时。例如:
  Only then did she realize how much damage had been caused.(2006陕西)
  Only after my friend came was the computer repaired. (2005福建)
  Only when he got home did he know what happened to his father.
  3. 含有否定意义的副词或连词,如hardly, never, not, little, not only, no sooner等放在句首时。例如:
  Never in my wildest dreams could I imagine these people are living in such poor conditions. (2006安徽)
  Little did he care about his own safety, though he was in great danger himself.
  Not only is he a scientist, but he is also a painter.
  4. as引导的让步状语从句。这里的as相当于though,意思是“尽管,虽然”,从句中常使用倒装语序,把句中的副词、动词原形或作表语的名词、形容词提到as之前。例如:
  Much as I like it, I won’t buy it.
  Try as she might, Cardina couldn’t get the door open. (2005广东)
  Quiet student as he may be, he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class. (2005重庆)
  Beautiful as she is, she is not clever.
  5. so + be / have / 助动词/情态动词+主语,表示“前面所说的情况也适用于另一人(或物)”。例如:
  ―It’s burning hot today, isn’t it?
  ―Yes, so was it yesterday. (2006福建)
  He can speak French very well. So can I.
  ―He has finished his work.
  ―So he has. (他是完成了)
  —So have I. (我也完成了)
  6. 在“so + adj. / adv. ... that ...”句型中。例如:
  So difficult did I find it to work out the problem that I decided to ask Tom for advice. (2006广东)
  So clearly does he speak English that he can always make himself understood.
  (1)_____ that she couldn’t fall asleep.
  A. So she was tired
  B. So tired was she
  C. How tired was she
  D. How tired she was
  (2)_____, he wants to learn more.
  A. A scientist as he is
  B. As is he a scientist
  C. As a scientist is he
  D. Scientist as he is
  (3) Only in this way_____ work it out.
  A. can you B. have you
  C. you can D. you have
  24. rise
  【疑难分析】 rise为高考考纲内词汇,高考对它的考查主要是通过与其同义raise相比较,让学生判断其词性,特别是在有raise和arise这几个选项同时出现的题目中,易将这三个词弄混淆。
  【归纳点拨】 rise vi. (rose; risen)升起;上升;上涨;增长;起床。例如:
  Smoke rose from the factory chimneys.
  The river is rising after the rain.
  He was unable to rise because of his injuries.
  rise, raise与arise的区别:
  arise为不及物动词,没有上升,升起的意思,但它可以和rise一样表示站起来(stand up),起床(get up);rise和arise用作“站起,起床”都属于正式用法,不及stand up, get up 常用,而arise比rise更正式,现已较少用;arise主要表示出现,发生等意思。
  (1) A completely new situation will_____ when the examination system comes into existence.
  A. arise B. rise C. raise D. arouse
  (2) He_____ his offer to £500.
  A. rose B. arose
  C. improved D. raised
  (3) The price of tea_____ by 70 percent this month.
  A. has risen
  B. has raised
  C. has been risen
  D. has been improved
  25. at hand
  【疑难分析】 很多学生对于这个介词短语的意思掌握不准确,容易与短语in hand, by hand 的意思相混。
  【归纳点拨】 at hand意为“近在手边;在附近;(引申)即将到来”。例如:
  I always keep a dictionary at hand.
  I want you to be at hand during my interview with the police.
  Final examinations are at hand.
  in hand意为“(金钱等)在用上;处理中;受到控制”
  by hand“用手做(非用机器,用机器做好by machine)亲自(专人)递”
  around the corner, in store, draw near, on the way, be upon 都含有“即将到来”的意思。
  (1) Are your socks knitted_____ or machine-made?
  A. at hand B. by hand
  C. in hand D. to hand
  (2) Christmas is_____.
  A. at hand B. by hand
  C. in hand D. to hand
  26. immediately
  【疑难分析】 immediately既可以充当时间副词,表示“立即,马上”,又可以充当连词,表示“一……就”,引导时间状语从句,这是学生的难点。
  【归纳和点拨】 immediately作副词时,意为“立即、马上”,表示“一……就……”时用作连词,与as soon as 的用法一样。与其类似用法的还有以下几种表达法。
  ① as soon as / the moment / the minute / the second / the instant / immediately / directly / instantly
  ② no sooner ... than ... / hardly ... when ... / scarcely ... when ...
  ③ upon / on + n. / doing sth.
  ④ every time / each time / next time / the first time / any time / all the time 等名词短语,表示“每当……,每次……”
  ⑤ the year / the week / the day等,表示“那一……”
   (1) ―Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?
  _____―Yes, I gave it to her_____ I saw her. (2001北京春)
  A. while B. the moment
  C. suddenly D. once
  (2) Will you telephone me_____ you get home?
  A. while B. on
  C. immediately D. immediately when
  (3) He didn’t go to work_____ his mother was ill.
  A. the day when B. direct
  C. the day D. /
  1. (1) B。根据句意“观察孩子对这些变化的反应是一件有趣的事”,应选observe;而watch表示“观看,注视”;glare 意为“瞪眼,瞪视”;stare意为“凝视”。
  (2) D。此题易错选C项,因为look at 表示“看一看”,似乎讲得通,但不符合句子的主语行为特征。
  2. (1) A。what for 意为“为什么,有什么理由”。B项和C项不符语境,D项How come? = How does it happen that ...?意为“怎么”。
  (2) B。此题的what if意为“如果……会怎么样”。此题易错选A项,因为How about 可用于征求别人的意见,但其后只能接名词,代词或动名词,不能接一个句子。
  3. (1) D。若选A项和B项,则应是offer / give sb. sth或offer / give sth. to sb. 的形式。
  (2) B。若选C项,则应用at present 或at the present time.
  4. (1) B。此题对have difficulty (in) doing sth中的名词加以提问,构成特殊疑问句式。
  (2)D。解答此题应明确句子结构;其中difficulty后为定语从句,省去了引导词that或which,从句中的谓语部分应为have difficulty(in);后半句含有一个that引导的表语从句。
  5. (1) B。此题易错选C项,C项中的being应省略,因为“being+done”结构,表示“一个被动的动作正在进行”,在句中充当定语较为常见。
  (2) A。此题考查过去分词作宾语补语表被动。
  6. (1) A。what引导宾语从句并在从句中充当表语。
  (2) C。what引导宾语从句并在从句中充当do的宾语。
  7. (1) D。此题若选A项,应加关系代词that或which。
  (2) A。此题考查动词短语lead sb. (sth) to do,其中lead相当于cause (造成,引起)的意思,不同于lead to+n. (doing)意为“通向,导致”。
  8. (1) alone, lonely;(2) alone (adv.),lonely。
  9. (1)called ... up (使想起);(2) called for (需要);(3)call on (号召);(4) called off (取消)。
  10. (1) C。come into effect (开始生效);A项come into being (形成,产生);B项come into power (上台执政);D项come into view (进入视野;被看得见)。
  (2) A。此题易错选B项。要注意break down意为“出故障”不能用于被动语态。
  11. (1) C。seated 为seat的过去分词形式,意为“就座的”,可作ramain的表语,表状态。而 seat为及物动词,故其主动形式seat及seating后应有宾语。
  (2) B。remain后的不定式常要用被动语态。题中的see与主语it间为逻辑动宾关系,故不定式应用被动形式。
  12. (1) common(2) common(3) common; general(4) ordinary(5) ordinary
  13. (1) D。此题易错选A项,因为易误将状语从句看成了定语从句。注意空前无先行词。
   (2) A。此题易错选B项。注意whether相当于in which,意义上等于in a situation引导的是定语从句,用于修饰situation。
  14. (1) A。succeed 后加in doing sth.也行。依据but 所体现的逻辑关系可知空格处应是表达“成功地劝说”。
  (2) D。若用suggest则应用suggest doing sth / that ... 的形式。
  15. (1) B。解答此题应明确句子结构,其中use后为定语从句,省去了引导词that或which, 从句中的谓语部分应为make use of。
  (2) C。此题考查pay attention to短语用于被动语态中的用法,注意其中to为介词。
  (3) B。此题是在独立主格结构中考查take sth. into consideration(考虑到,顾及)这一短语,题中将everything前置作分词taken的逻辑主语。
   16. C。A项“他是什么样子”指外观;B项无此表达方式;C项问身体状况,人的品质,性格特征。D项问职业。
   17. (1) A;(2)D; (3)C。
   18. D。be of the same weight = have the same weight。
   19. (1) down;(2) out;(3) of;(4) for;(5) from。
   20. (1) D。注意“是朋友”与“交谈”两动作存在时间差。
  (2) D。题中seems与“是秋天”两动作可看作是同时发生。
  21. (1) B。此题考查advise+that从句,谓语动词用虚拟语气,should可以省略这一用法。
  (2) C。这是考查advise sb to do sth的用法。A、D从句意上讲不通。若用suggest则应用suggested her drinking。
  22. (1) D。此句的意思是“来访者必须在铃响时离开”。这是be to do sth.结构表示“命令或规则”。
  (2) A。此题易错选B项。但要注意的是“be about to do sth.”结构表示即将进行的动作,不能与具体的时间状语连用。
  23. (1) B。此题考查so + adj. + that ... 结构,表示“如此……以致……”的意思。
  (2) D。此题易错选A项。需要注意的是as之前的名词不能用冠词。
  (3) A。此题考查的是only所修饰的介词短语位于句首用倒装结构的用法。B项倒装了,但work却是原形而没有用worked,所以不对。
  24. (1) A。句意为“这种考试制度一旦形成,将会出现一个崭新的局面”。arise vi.发生,发现;rise vi. 上升,升起;raise vt.升起,举起;arouse vt.唤醒,唤起,引起。
  (2) D。句意为“他把出价提高到500英磅”。raise增加;提高(水平),improve vi.(使某物)改进,改善。
  (3) A。此题易错选B项,因为易忽视raise为及物动词,此处若为has been raised即可选。
  25. (1) B。by hand 手工(制造成生产)。
  (2) A。at hand 此处意为“即将到来”。
  26. (1) B。the moment 作连词,表示“一……就……”,相当于“as soon as ...”的含义。根据句意,只能选B,while所引导的句子中的谓语动词必须是延续性的。
  (2) C。immediately 可直接引导一个时间状语从句。on后须接名词或动名词。
  (3) C。the day作连词,意为“那一天”。
原创预测题(一)    【阅读格言】  书籍是这样的老师: 它不施展鞭挞的威风,不使用怒容或恶语,不受束修的供养。  【语篇导读】  俗话说:“三岁看大,七岁看老”,可以说幼儿园的启蒙教育对于你的一生有着至关重要的作用,一起来读下面这篇文章,你会发现,很多被认为最能体现一个人素养的好习惯原来都是在幼儿园里形成的。  文章来源:China Daily   难度星级 __★★__   建议做题时间 _
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