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一、乌拉圭回合为服务贸易谈判制定的目标是什么?这个目标是否已经达到? 服务贸易是乌拉圭回合谈判的三大新议题之一。在关贸总协定以往的历次多边贸易谈判中,从来没有把服务贸易列为单独的议题。这次乌拉圭回合把服务贸易及其有关问题列入多边贸易谈判的重要议事日程并成立单独的谈判组,这在关贸总协定的历史上还是第一次。1986年9月在乌拉圭埃斯特角城举行的关贸总协定部长会议及其发表的宣言中,对服务贸易谈判的目标作了规定。宣言说:“部长们决定发动作为多边贸易谈判的一部分的服务贸易谈判。这一领域的谈判旨在制定处理服务贸易的多边原则和规则框架,包括对各部门制订可能的规则,以便在政策透明和逐步自由化的条件下扩大服务贸易,并以此作为促进所有贸易伙伴经济增长和发展的一种手段。这种框架应尊重 1. What is the goal set by the Uruguay Round for negotiations on trade in services? Has this goal been achieved? Service trade is one of the three major new issues in the Uruguay Round negotiations. In previous multilateral trade negotiations in the GATT, service trade has never been listed as a separate issue. This Uruguay Round included service trade and related issues on the agenda of multilateral trade negotiations and established a separate negotiation group. This is the first time in the history of the GATT. In September 1986, the GATT Ministerial Meeting held in Punta del Este, Uruguay, and the declaration issued by it, stipulated the objectives of the negotiations on trade in services. The declaration stated: “Ministers have decided to issue negotiations on trade in services as part of multilateral trade negotiations. The negotiations in this area are aimed at developing a multilateral framework of principles and rules for dealing with trade in services, including the formulation of possible rules for various departments in order to make policy transparent. Expand trade in services under conditions of gradual liberalization and as a means to promote the economic growth and development of all trading partners. This framework should be respected
中国汽车产业已经进入了以大众消费为基础的稳定高速增长阶段,增长前景十分广阔,然而有远见的汽车厂家却陷 China’s auto industry has entered a phase of steady high-sp
据悉,目前我国正采取以下5项措施,为“复关”作准备: 1.市场准入.决定在3年内单方面降低225种产品的进口关税. 2.价格体制改革.决定在1996年前实现理顺价格关系的目标,建立
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1993年10月16日至18日,第二届中日工业管理国际学术会议(The Second China Japan International Symposium on Industrial Management)在北京航空航天大学隆重举行。中国南
90年代已经过去两年了。从这两年的国际商品市场情况,预测今后八年的国际商品市场趋势。大致如下: 一、世界贸易增长率将达到5%以上,高于世界经济增长率。进入90年代后,世界