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*明年推出资源类价格改革,恰逢其时。2005年较低的物价水平,为资源产品价格改革提供了相当的空间。资源类产品价格改革将以价格形成市场化为目标,兼顾上下游产业。*油气:定价机制改革将于明年取得实质性进展,但不会立即市场化,天然气价格提升的可能性很大,对炼油企业和天然气开采业的利润提升有正面影响。*电价:改革将向市场化迈进,电价存在的短期上涨可能对电力上市公司是普遍的利好。*水价:2006年是水价改革启动之年。水务板块中六家主要上市公司都将在水价上涨中获得实利。从近年水费上涨情况看,水资源费和污水处理费上涨较为明显,而供水价格上涨则较为有限。*煤碳:电煤价格改革是2006年煤价改革的重头戏,以动力煤为主的煤炭上市公司获益会更多。*土地:价格改革将使推动地价和房价的上升,使拥有较多土地储备的上市公司受益。*公交:因其公共服务业性质,票价提升余地不大。如果政府的扶持增加则有可能提升公交公司股票价。 * Price resource reform introduced next year, at the right time. The lower price level in 2005 provided considerable space for the reform of resource product prices. Resource-based product price reform will be the price of the formation of market-oriented, taking into account the upstream and downstream industries. * Oil and gas: pricing mechanism reform will make substantive progress next year but it will not be immediately marketized. Natural gas prices are highly likely to have a positive impact, which will have a positive impact on the profits of oil refineries and the natural gas mining industry. * Price: Reform will move towards marketization. The short-term rise in electricity price may be generally favorable to listed power companies. * Water Price: 2006 is the year when the water price reform started. The six major listed companies in the water sector will all benefit from rising water prices. Judging from the rising water charges in recent years, the increases in water resources fees and sewage treatment fees are more obvious, while the water supply prices are more limited. * Coal: Coal price reform is the highlight of coal price reform in 2006, with coal-based coal-based listed companies benefiting more. * Land: Price reform will drive the rise in land prices and house prices, benefiting listed companies with more land reserves. * Bus: Due to the nature of its public service, there is little room for improvement of fares. If government support is increased, it is possible to raise the bus company’s stock price.
人口老化、国土狭窄、生活费用日趋昂贵的日本,面对众多的难题,制订出一项代号为“银色哥伦比亚92”的大胆规划。 Japan, with its aging population, narrow territory and