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南网梦创先路提升七大能力强化一个保证强化底线思维,提升本质安全畿力;注重提质增效升级,提升科学发展能力;积极主动作为,提升促进改革能力;坚持“第一生产力”意识,提升科技支撑能力;遵纪守法,提升依法治企能力;践行宗旨创新模式,提升优质服务能力;凝心聚力内顺外和,提升文化建设能力;从严从实抓好党的建设,为公司“十三五”改革发展提供坚强的政治保证策划人语“到2020年与南方电网公司同步建成国际先进电网企业,围绕南方电网发展大局,抓紧补齐短板、守住”底线“、不拖全网创先的后腿,努力争创优势、坚持”高线“、为全网创先多做贡献;加快提质增效升级,推动做强做优做大,为云南与全国同步全面建成小康社会提供 South Network Dream Road to enhance the ability to enhance the seven major strengthening of a guarantee to strengthen the thinking of the bottom line, enhance the intrinsic safety of the force; focus on improving the quality and efficiency to upgrade and enhance the capacity of scientific development; take the initiative to enhance and promote the reform capability; adhere to the ”first productive force “Consciousness, enhance the ability to support science and technology; law-abiding, enhance the ability to rule the enterprise according to law; practice the purpose of innovation model, improve the quality of service; within the cohesion within and outside and enhance the capacity of cultural construction; To provide a strong political guarantee for the reform and development of the company during the ”13th Five-Year Plan“. ”By 2020, it will establish an advanced international power grid enterprise synchronously with China Southern Power Grid Company, focus on the overall situation of China Southern Power Grid, pay close attention to shortcomings, Keep the “bottom line”, do not drag the whole network of the first hurdle, and strive to create advantages, adhere to “high line ” for the entire network to create more contribution to the first; speed up upgrading quality and efficiency upgrade to promote stronger Excellent and big, for Yunnan and the country simultaneously build a moderately prosperous society
青春后期精索静脉曲张 (varicocele ,VC)发病率为 12 .4 %~ 17.8% ,平均 14 .7% ,与成年男性相似。青春期VC可导致睾丸发育障碍 ,而手术治疗可使其逆转 ,但在睾丸发育障碍出现
本刊从 2 0 0 2年起新辟“临床名家谈”专栏 ,特请国内知名专家就读者普遍关心的或一些有争议的问题发表意见 ,进行切蹉。本栏目的宗旨是“百花齐放 ,百家争鸣” ,强调尊重原
含马兜铃酸 (aristolochicacid ,AA)的中草药可引起肾损害。急性肾衰竭 (ARF)病例是国内吴松寒196 4年最先报道 ,由服大剂量木通煎剂引起 ;慢性进行性肾衰竭病例却为比利时学者Vanherweghem等 1993年最早报告 ,
1 病例摘要1.1 病史 患者女性 ,5 1岁 ,因“恶心、呕吐 ,发现肾功能不全 4个月”于 2 0 0 1 10 31入院。 2 0 0 1年 6月患者开始出现呕吐 ,呕吐物为胃内容物及大量粘液
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肾间质纤维化是各种进展性肾脏疾病的共同通路。以往针对肾间质纤维化的研究 ,多数集中于肾小管上皮细胞、间质细胞活化 ,趋化因子、粘附分子的表达 ,炎症细胞的浸润 ,生长因