农业行业 涨价仍将继续 板块将现分化

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宏观预期的不稳定使得周期性行业遭到冷遇,升值背景下具备内需、弱周期、小市值特征的农业股具有稳定、明确的预期,受到关注顺理成章。农业股普涨阶段应已结束,行情将出现分化。业绩受益于农产品涨价,具备持续成长性,盈利质量高的企业更有可能在分化行情中胜出。 Macroeconomic expectations destabilize the cyclical industry, and the agricultural stocks with domestic demand, weak cyclicality and small market capitalization have stable and clear expectations under the background of appreciation. Agricultural stocks broad stage should have ended, the market will be divided. Performance Benefit from the price hikes of agricultural products, with sustained growth, high-quality profit-making enterprises are more likely to win the differentiation.
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